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You find older observations in our journal Schweifstern.

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
479        2024 06 29.82  Z 13.2 BG 10.6R 5a840   5.5                      LEH02I     C 5.5 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.7
479        2024 06 11.90  Z 12.6 BG 10.6R 5a840   6.2                      LEH02I     C 6.2 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.2
479        2024 05 30.81  Z 12.1 BG 10.6R 5a840   7.9                      LEH02I     C 7.9 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.7
479        2024 05 01.81  Z 12.0 BG 10.6R 5a840   6.7                      LEH02I     C 6.7 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.3
479        2024 05 01.81  Z 12.0 BG 10.6R 5a840   6.7                      LEH02I     C 6.7 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.3

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
473        2024 06 25.92  Z 17.7 BG 27.9L 2A800   0.7                      LEH02I     C 0.7 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.3
473        2024 05 28.92  Z 14.9 BG 27.9L 2a600   3.1                      LEH02I     C 3.1 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.4
473        2024 05 08.93  Z 14.0 BG 27.9L 2A800   3.6                      LEH02I     C 3.6 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.7
473        2024 05 01.91  Z 14.1 BG 27.9L 2A440   3.7                      LEH02I     C 3.7 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.5
473        2024 05 01.86  Z 14.7 BG 10.0R 6B283   1.7                      FRI02I     C 1.7 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.5

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
362        2024 06 07.99  Z 16.9 BG 10.0R 6I860   0.9                      FRI02I     C 0.9 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.5
362        2024 06 06.95  Z 16.8 BG 10.0R 6A924   0.7                      FRI02I     C 0.7 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.6
362        2024 06 04.95  Z 16.9 BG 10.0R 6C367   0.7                      FRI02I     C 0.7 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.3
362        2024 05 13.98  Z 16.6 BG 10.0R 6C126   1.1                      FRI02I     C 1.1 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.7, moon 36% dist 100 deg
362        2024 05 10.03  Z 16.7 BG 10.0R 6B887   0.8                      FRI02I     C 0.8 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.1
362        2024 05 02.00  Z 16.6 BG 10.0R 6F253   0.8                      FRI02I     C 0.8 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.8

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
227        2024 05 13.89  Z 16.3 BG 10.0R 6B884   0.8                      FRI02I     C 0.8 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.6, moon 35% dist 19 deg
227        2024 05 08.88  Z 16.1 BG 10.0R 6C365   1.0                      FRI02I     C 1.0 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.0

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
207        2024 05 12.88  Z 18.3 BG 27.9L 2B640   0.9                      LEH02I     C 0.9 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.6, moon 25% dist 61 deg

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
144        2024 06 29.73  Z 14.9 BG 10.6R 5a960   2.7                      LEH02I     C 2.7 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.6
144        2024 06 03.78  Z 13.2 BG 10.6R 5a960   5.8                      LEH02I     C 5.8 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.6
144        2024 05 27.89  Z 12.3 BG 25.0L 3a840   8.3                      LEH02I     C 8.3 mZMP IMX AIR 5               1.0s 1.0 Location: Nerpio (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.7
144        2024 05 19.87  S 12.2 TK 23.5T10 181   1.0  4                   SCH19       5.3M 
144        2024 05 10.89  Z 12.3 BG 27.9L 2A800   6.6                      LEH02I     C 6.6 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=19.9, moon 10% dist 47 deg
144        2024 05 09.90  Z 11.9 BG 10.0R 6C125   7.0                      FRI02I     C 7.0 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.6
144        2024 05 09.88  S 11.9 TK 32.0L 5 144   1.4  1                   PIL01       21.3
144        2024 05 08.97  S 12.1 HS 50.8L 5  80   1.8  3                   KUT         5.8 
144        2024 05 02.78  Z 12.2 BG 10.6R 5a840   7.0                      LEH02I     C 7.0 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.2
144        2024 05 02.78  Z 12.2 BG 10.6R 5a840   7.0                      LEH02I     C 7.0 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.2
144        2024 05 01.85  S 11.8 TK 23.5T10 181   2.0  2                   SCH19       5.5  Stern 14.5 mag am Rand der Koma

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
125        2024 07 10.04  Z 18.0 BG 10.0R 6B644   0.5                      FRI02I     C 0.5 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.5

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
 65        2024 06 29.80  Z 16.4 BG 10.6R 5A260   1.2                      LEH02I     C 1.2 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.0
 65        2024 06 06.94  Z 16.2 BG 27.9L 2A320   1.1                      LEH02I     C 1.1 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=19.6
 65        2024 05 28.96  Z 16.7 BG 10.0R 6B887   1.0                      FRI02I     C 1.0 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.4
 65        2024 05 11.94  Z 16.7 BG 10.0R 6A443   0.8                      FRI02I     C 0.8 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.2, moon 17% dist 85 deg
 65        2024 05 08.99  Z 16.7 BG 10.0R 6B646   0.8                      FRI02I     C 0.8 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.1

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
 62        2024 06 04.80  Z 14.4 BG 10.6R 5A260   5.6      0.15 300        LEH02I     C 5.6 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.1
 62        2024 05 27.91  Z 14.7 BG 25.0L 3a840   4.2      0.17 291        LEH02I     C 4.2 mZMP IMX AIR 5               1.0s 1.0 Location: Nerpio (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.1
 62        2024 05 11.90  Z 13.3 BG 27.9L 2A680   6.1      0.45 291        LEH02I     C 6.1 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.5, moon 17% dist 80 deg
 62        2024 05 10.92  Z 13.1 BG 27.9L 2A200   6.0      0.23 300        LEH02I     C 6.0 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.3, moon 10% dist 93 deg
 62        2024 05 04.92  Z 12.6 BG 10.6R 5A080   8.9      0.53 295        LEH02I     C 8.9 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.6
 62        2024 05 04.92  Z 12.6 BG 10.6R 5A080   8.9      0.53 295        LEH02I     C 8.9 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.6

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
 362       2024 06 24.98  Z 16.7 BG 10.0R 6C846   0.6                      FRI02I     C 0.6 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.5, moon 90% dist 90 deg

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
 32        2024 05 08.89 &Z 14.0 BG 27.9L 2A560   2.0      0.6 m 91        LEH02I     C 2.0 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=19.6

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
 29        2024 05 11.87  Z 12.3 BG 10.0R 6B387   5.1                      FRI02I     C 5.1 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.0, moon 17% dist 22 deg
 29        2024 05 01.91  Z 12.4 BG 10.0R 6A442   6.2                      FRI02I     C 6.2 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=17.6

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
 13        2024 07 17.93  S  7.1 TK  8.0B    20   3.8  5/                  KAS01       3.5 dunstig, Mondlicht. Schweifansatz PW 73 vermutet
 13        2024 07 09.92 &Z  6.3 BG 27.9L 2A320  20        0.45  46        LEH02I     C20   mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=19.2, antitail 0.45 deg at pa=284, plasma tail 2.1 deg at pa=64
 13        2024 07 09.89  Z  6.0 BG 10.0R 6A113  28        0.31  29        FRI02I     C28   mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=16.5, moon 15% dist 32 deg, plasma tail 0.69 deg at pa=67
 13        2024 07 08.88  Z  6.3 BG 10.0R 6A410  17        0.31  49        FRI02I     C17   mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=16.3, plasma tail 1.06 deg at pa=59
 13        2024 07 07.88  Z  6.3 BG 10.0R 6A260  17        0.36  19        FRI02I     C17   mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=16.0, plasma tail 0.74 deg at pa=54
 13        2024 07 06.97 $S  7.3 TK  8.0B    20   3.4  4                   KAS01        wg. Extinktion korrigiert. DC unsicher   2023V4  2024 07 06.01  S 11.3:HS 25.0L 5  60   2.8  4                   KUT         4.0  Rest Dämmerung
 13        2024 07 05.88  Z  6.5 BG 10.0R 6a660   9.3      0.23  51        FRI02I     C 9.3 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=15.9
 13        2024 06 25.94 $Z  6.4 BG 27.9L 2A200  14        0.25  46        LEH02I     C14   mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=17.9, moon 82% dist 145 deg, antitail 0.4 deg at pa=261, plasma tail 0.8 deg at pa=51
 13        2024 06 25.89  Z  6.5 BG 10.0R 6A530  16        0.27  39        FRI02I     C16   mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=15.5
 13        2024 06 24.92 &Z  6.4 BG 27.9L 2A620  16        0.25  44        LEH02I     C16   mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=19.2, moon 90% dist 156 deg, antitail 0.6 deg at pa=256, plasma tail 1.4 deg at pa=60
 13        2024 06 24.89  Z  6.5 BG 10.0R 6A500  15        0.51  60        FRI02I     C15   mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=16.0
 13        2024 06 23.90  Z  6.3 BG 10.0R 6A140  17                        FRI02I     C17   mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=15.9, moon 96% dist 164 deg
 13        2024 06 22.92  S  7.7 TK 32.0L 5  80   3.8  7                   PIL01       19.4 Schweifansatz nach NO; Baader-Kometen-Filter wirkt mäßig
 13        2024 06 15.89  S  7.0 TK  6.3B     9   4    5                   SCH19       3.2T 
 13        2024 06 15.89  S  7.0 TK  6.3B     9   4    5                   SCH19       3.2T 
 13        2024 06 15.88  S  7.2 TK 23.5T10 112   3.5  6   0.12  80        SCH19       3.2T False Nucleus 11.2 mag (bei 181x)
 13        2024 06 15.88  S  7.2 TK 23.5T10 112   3.5  6   0.12  80        SCH19       3.2T False Nucleus 11.2 mag (bei 181x)
 13        2024 06 11.93 $Z  6.7 BG 27.9L 2B160  14        0.26  68        LEH02I     C14   mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=18.2, moon 28% dist 46 deg, antitail 0.6 deg at pa=227, plasma tail 0.70 deg at pa=58
 13        2024 06 09.93 $Z  6.8 BG 27.9L 2a780  13        0.23  66        LEH02I     C13   mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=18.1, moon 13% dist 24 deg, antitail 0.6 deg at pa=221, plasma tail 1.09 deg at pa=48
 13        2024 06 07.88  Z  7.0 BG 10.0R 6a780   9.6      0.28  63        FRI02I     C 9.6 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=15.3
 13        2024 06 07.87  S  7.8 TK 23.5T10 112   4    6   0.10  60        SCH19       3.0T False Nucleus 11.0 mag (bei 181x)
 13        2024 06 07.87  S  7.8 TK 23.5T10 112   4    6   0.10  60        SCH19       3.0T False Nucleus 11.0 mag (bei 181x)
 13        2024 06 06.88  Z  7.1 BG 10.0R 6a990   9.1      0.14  69        FRI02I     C 9.1 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=15.2
 13        2024 06 04.89  S  8.0 TK 32.0L 5  80   1.0  5                   PIL01       18.7 Swan-Band-Filter wirkt gut
 13        2024 06 04.87  S  7.6:TK 23.5T10 112   2.0  6                   SCH19       3.6T False Nucleus 11.0 mag (bei 181x)
 13        2024 06 04.87  S  7.6:TK 23.5T10 112   2.0  6                   SCH19       3.6T False Nucleus 11.0 mag (bei 181x)
 13        2024 05 28.89 $Z  7.4 BG 27.9L 2A080  11        0.21  76        LEH02I     C11   mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=18.3
 13        2024 05 28.87  Z  7.6 BG 10.0R 6a990   8.4      0.10  73        FRI02I     C 8.4 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=15.7
 13        2024 05 19.86  S  7.6 TK 23.5T10 112   3.0  6                   SCH19       3.8TM False Nucleus 11.5 mag (bei 181x)
 13        2024 05 13.88 $Z  8.0 BG 27.9L 2a900   8.4      0.12 105        LEH02I     C 8.4 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=17.8, moon 35% dist 45 deg, plasma tail 0.8 deg at pa=81
 13        2024 05 13.86  Z  8.1 BG 10.0R 6A322  10        0.15  85        FRI02I     C10   mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=16.8, moon 34% dist 45 deg
 13        2024 05 13.85  S  8.2 TK 23.5T10 181   2.2  5/                  SCH19       2.6TM
 13        2024 05 11.87 $Z  8.2 BG 27.9L 2A740   7.4      0.14 104        LEH02I     C 7.4 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=17.8, moon 17% dist 21 deg, plasma tail 0.2 deg at pa=87
 13        2024 05 10.87 $Z  8.4 BG 27.9L 2A080   5.8      0.09 104        LEH02I     C 5.8 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=17.4, moon 10% dist 9 deg
 13        2024 05 10.84  S  8.8 TK 10.0R5   20   1.7  4            ICQXXX HAS02
 13        2024 05 09.88  S  7.9 TK 32.0L 5  80   1.5  4   0.04  52        PIL01            Dämmerung stört
 13        2024 05 08.87 $Z  8.4 BG 27.9L 2A260   7.4      0.16 105        LEH02I     C 7.4 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=18.1, plasma tail 0.8 deg at pa=83
 13        2024 05 08.85  Z  8.4 BG 10.0R 6a630   7.8                      FRI02I     C 7.8 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=16.4, plasma tail 0.04 deg at pa=84
 13        2024 05 08.84  Z  8.8 BG 10.0R 6a574   3.2                      FRI02I     C 3.2 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=15.3

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
 12        2024 07 02.74  Z  7.5 BG 10.6R 5a540  15        0.61 164        LEH02I     C15   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=18.8, antitail 0.5 deg at pa=305
 12        2024 06 23.73 &Z  7.0 BG 10.6R 5a600  19        0.24 155        LEH02I     C19   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=18.6, antitail 0.9 deg at pa=315
 12        2024 06 18.73 &Z  7.0 BG 10.6R 5a840  12        0.18 169        LEH02I     C12   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=18.2, moon 88% dist 104 deg, antitail 0.8 deg at pa=325, plasma tail 0.9 deg at pa=158
 12        2024 06 15.73 &Z  6.6 BG 10.6R 5a720  16        0.14 167        LEH02I     C16   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=18.4, moon 64% dist 87 deg, antitail 1.5 deg at pa=329, plasma tail 1.5 deg at pa=164
 12        2024 06 12.72 &Z  6.3 BG 10.6R 5a540  19        0.24 168        LEH02I     C19   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=18.1, moon 36% dist 70 deg, antitail 1.5 deg at pa=332, plasma tail 1.38 deg at pa=155
 12        2024 06 07.75 $Z  6.4 BG 10.6R 5a300  15        1.6  337        LEH02I     C15   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=17.9, plasma tail 1.5 deg at pa=158
 12        2024 06 05.75 $Z  6.0 BG 10.6R 5a300  21        1.9  339        LEH02I     C21   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=18.1, plasma tail 1.8 deg at pa=156
 12        2024 06 03.75 $Z  6.3:BG 10.6R 5a240  12        0.57 341        LEH02I     C12   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=17.0, cloudy, plasma tail 0.9 deg at pa=155
 12        2024 05 27.75 $Z  5.8 BG 10.6R 5a540  21        1.63 346        LEH02I     C21   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=17.9, plasma tail >2.0 deg at pa=151
 12        2024 05 21.73 &Z  5.7 BG 10.6R 5a660  15        0.34 351        LEH02I     C15   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=17.7, moon 97% dist 130 deg, plasma tail >2.5 deg at pa=149
 12        2024 05 20.73 &Z  5.4 BG 10.6R 5a660  17        0.30 353        LEH02I     C17   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=17.4, moon 92% dist 124 deg, plasma tail >2.4 deg at pa=145
 12        2024 05 16.73 &Z  5.4 BG 10.6R 5a420  17        0.53  44        LEH02I     C17   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=17.6, moon 62% dist 90 deg, plasma tail >2.0 deg at pa=128
 12        2024 05 07.73 &Z  4.8 BG 10.6R 5a210  15        0.89  45        LEH02I     C15   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=16.8, plasma tail >2.4 deg at pa=124
 12        2024 05 05.73 &Z  4.7 BG 10.6R 5a210  17        0.97  47        LEH02I     C17   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=16.6, plasma tail >2.0 deg at pa=123
 12        2024 05 05.73 &Z  4.7 BG 10.6R 5a210  17        0.97  47        LEH02I     C17   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=16.6, plasma tail >2.0 deg at pa=123
 12        2024 05 04.73 &Z  4.6 BG 10.6R 5a120  17        0.81  52        LEH02I     C17   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=16.5, plasma tail >2.1 deg at pa=120
 12        2024 05 04.73 &Z  4.6 BG 10.6R 5a120  17        0.81  52        LEH02I     C17   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=16.5, plasma tail >2.1 deg at pa=120
 12        2024 05 02.73 &Z  4.6 BG 10.6R 5a090  16        0.97  48        LEH02I     C16   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=16.4, plasma tail >2.0 deg at pa=117
 12        2024 05 02.73 &Z  4.6 BG 10.6R 5a090  16        0.97  48        LEH02I     C16   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=16.4, plasma tail >2.0 deg at pa=117
 12        2024 05 01.73 $Z  4.5 BG 10.6R 5a160  16        1.05  49        LEH02I     C16   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=16.7, plasma tail >2.3 deg at pa=111
 12        2024 05 01.73 $Z  4.5 BG 10.6R 5a160  16        1.05  49        LEH02I     C16   mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=16.7, plasma tail >2.3 deg at pa=111

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2024G3  2024 07 07.83  Z 17.2 BG 10.6R 5A260   0.5      0.4 m118        LEH02I     C 0.5 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.4

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2024E1  2024 07 09.98  Z 19.7 BG 27.9L 2D440   0.3                      LEH02I     C 0.3 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.5
   2024E1  2024 06 08.00  Z 19.9 BG 27.9L 2D200   0.3                      LEH02I     C 0.3 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.5
   2024E1  2024 05 11.99  Z 19.5 BG 27.9L 2E520   0.3                      LEH02I     C 0.3 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.7
   2024E1  2024 05 11.01  Z 19.9 BG 27.9L 2C000   0.3                      LEH02I     C 0.3 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.2

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2024C4  2024 06 09.97  Z 17.9 BG 27.9L 2A920   1.2      1.5 m181        LEH02I     C 1.2 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.2
   2024C4  2024 05 14.04  Z 16.1 BG 10.0R 6F250   1.7                      FRI02I     C 1.7 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.3
   2024C4  2024 05 12.95  Z 16.1 BG 27.9L 2D800   1.8      0.13 199        LEH02I     C 1.8 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.5, moon 26% dist 96 deg
   2024C4  2024 05 12.00  Z 15.3 BG 10.0R 6C125   2.5                      FRI02I     C 2.5 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.8
   2024C4  2024 05 10.97  Z 16.3 BG 27.9L 2B400   1.3      0.08 199        LEH02I     C 1.3 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.2
   2024C4  2024 05 02.06  Z 16.4 BG 10.0R 6B404   1.0      0.7 m211        FRI02I     C 1.0 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.1

C/2023 V4 (Camarasa-Duszanowicz)
Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2023V4  2024 07 16.93  Z 11.9 BG 10.0R 6B405   6.0      0.08 320        FRI02I     C 6.0 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.2, moon 78% dist 101 deg
   2023V4  2024 07 09.94  Z 11.7 BG 27.9L 2A320   4.8      0.16 303        LEH02I     C 4.8 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.2
   2023V4  2024 07 09.92  Z 11.7 BG 10.0R 6B885   5.5      0.09 311        FRI02I     C 5.5 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=17.9
   2023V4  2024 07 08.91  Z 11.6 BG 10.0R 6a721   5.2      0.09 290        FRI02I     C 5.2 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.8
   2023V4  2024 07 07.91  Z 11.5 BG 10.0R 6C244   6.6      0.12 293        FRI02I     C 6.6 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.6
   2023V4  2024 07 05.91  Z 11.6 BG 10.0R 6B222   5.1      0.13 278        FRI02I     C 5.1 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=17.3
   2023V4  2024 06 25.93  Z 11.3 BG 10.0R 6C120   5.3      0.08 257        FRI02I     C 5.3 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.1, moon 82% dist 132 deg
   2023V4  2024 06 24.94  Z 11.3 BG 27.9L 2A680   4.5      0.14 262        LEH02I     C 4.5 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.3, moon 90% dist 140 deg
   2023V4  2024 06 24.93  Z 11.3 BG 10.0R 6C180   5.5      0.13 253        FRI02I     C 5.5 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=17.5, moon 90% dist 140 deg
   2023V4  2024 06 23.94  Z 11.4 BG 10.0R 6D140   4.9                      FRI02I     C 4.9 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.3, moon 96% dist 147 deg
   2023V4  2024 06 13.89  Z 11.2 BG 10.0R 6a661   3.8      0.09 226        FRI02I     C 3.8 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.0, moon 47% dist 78 deg
   2023V4  2024 06 09.94 &Z 11.1 BG 27.9L 2a960   4.4      0.13 222        LEH02I     C 4.4 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=19.6
   2023V4  2024 06 07.96 &Z 11.1 BG 27.9L 2A440   3.6      0.14 223        LEH02I     C 3.6 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=18.9
   2023V4  2024 06 04.91  S 10.9 TK 32.0L 5 144                            PIL01       19.9 

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2023C2  2024 06 30.87  Z 13.3 BG 10.6R 5a900   2.5      1.6 m289        LEH02I     C 2.5 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.6
   2023C2  2024 06 11.92  Z 13.5 BG 10.6R 5a900   2.1      1.5 m301        LEH02I     C 2.1 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.6
   2023C2  2024 05 30.94  Z 13.4 BG 10.6R 5a900   2.5      1.9 m294        LEH02I     C 2.5 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.7
   2023C2  2024 05 21.16  Z 14.2 BG 10.6R 5a840   1.3      1.2 m300        LEH02I     C 1.3 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.3
   2023C2  2024 05 03.04  Z 14.5 BG 10.6R 5A080   1.4      1.5 m287        LEH02I     C 1.4 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.3, moon 33% dist 75 deg
   2023C2  2024 05 03.04  Z 14.5 BG 10.6R 5A080   1.4      1.5 m287        LEH02I     C 1.4 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.3, moon 33% dist 75 deg

C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)  
Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2023A3  2024 07 08.81  Z  9.6 BG 10.6R 5a720   6.0      0.38  99        LEH02I     C 6.0 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.1
   2023A3  2024 07 02.75  Z  9.7 BG 10.6R 5a720   7.0      0.37  99        LEH02I     C 7.0 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.5
   2023A3  2024 06 29.75  Z  9.9 BG 10.6R 5a720   4.6      0.31 100        LEH02I     C 4.6 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.6
   2023A3  2024 06 25.87  Z 10.7 BG 10.0R 6a390   1.7      0.11 103        FRI02I     C 1.7 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=15.8
   2023A3  2024 06 24.87  Z 10.4 BG 10.0R 6a600   2.6      0.13 101        FRI02I     C 2.6 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=15.7
   2023A3  2024 06 23.87  Z 10.2 BG 10.0R 6a721   3.1      0.18 101        FRI02I     C 3.1 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=16.1
   2023A3  2024 06 23.74  Z 10.0 BG 10.6R 5a240   4.9      0.26 101        LEH02I     C 4.9 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.0, moon 96% dist 123 deg
   2023A3  2024 06 22.91  S  9.6 TK 32.0L 5  80        6                   PIL01       19.2 
   2023A3  2024 06 20.88  Z 10.2 BG 10.0R 6a180   2.6                      FRI02I     C 2.6 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=14.6, moon 98% dist 84 deg
   2023A3  2024 06 20.74  Z 10.1 BG 10.6R 5A680   4.6      0.27 101        LEH02I     C 4.6 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.2, moon 98% dist 82 deg
   2023A3  2024 06 18.79  Z 10.1 BG 10.6R 5A440   5.5      0.28 101        LEH02I     C 5.5 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=18.9, moon 89% dist 56 deg
   2023A3  2024 06 15.75  Z 10.3 BG 10.6R 5A080   3.9      0.25 101        LEH02I     C 3.9 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.1, moon 64% dist 18 deg
   2023A3  2024 06 13.90  Z 10.6 BG 10.0R 6A200   2.0      0.14 101        FRI02I     C 2.0 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=16.1, moon 47% dist 5 deg
   2023A3  2024 06 11.90 &Z 10.2 BG 27.9L 2a720   4.6      0.24 104        LEH02I     C 4.6 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=19.1, moon 28% dist 29 deg
   2023A3  2024 06 11.88  Z 10.2 BG 10.6R 5a720   4.7      0.24 100        LEH02I     C 4.7 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.2
   2023A3  2024 06 09.91 &Z 10.2 BG 27.9L 2a840   4.8      0.24 103        LEH02I     C 4.8 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=19.6, moon 13% dist 54 deg
   2023A3  2024 06 09.82  Z 10.3 BG 10.6R 5a720   4.7      0.26 101        LEH02I     C 4.7 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.5
   2023A3  2024 06 08.00  S 10.2:TK 25.0L 5  40   1.7   5  0.072           KUT         4.5  Rest Dämmerumg
   2023A3  2024 06 07.93 &Z 10.4 BG 27.9L 2A020   3.4      0.22 102        LEH02I     C 3.4 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=18.9
   2023A3  2024 06 07.91  Z 10.2 BG 10.0R 6C005   5.1      0.25 100        FRI02I     C 5.1 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.7
   2023A3  2024 06 06.93 &Z 10.3 BG 27.9L 2a600   4.4      0.24 102        LEH02I     C 4.4 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=19.0
   2023A3  2024 06 06.91  Z 10.2 BG 10.0R 6A923   5.4      0.19  99        FRI02I     C 5.4 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.4
   2023A3  2024 06 06.76  Z 10.2 BG 10.6R 5a720   6.3      0.26 100        LEH02I     C 6.3 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.7
   2023A3  2024 06 05.79  Z 10.3 BG 10.6R 5a720   5.1      0.25 101        LEH02I     C 5.1 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.7
   2023A3  2024 06 05.28  Z 10.2 BG 10.6R 5a720   6.8      0.21 104        LEH02I     C 6.8 mSTL KA1 AIR 5               3.5s 3.5 Location: Utah (remote); Comment: CCD/G, mlim=18.0
   2023A3  2024 06 05.00  S  9.9 TK 13.0L 5  20   1.3  5   0.10            KUT         5.0
   2023A3  2024 06 04.91  S 10.3 TK 32.0L 5  80   1.5  4   0.08 190        PIL01       20.1 Schweif gekrümmt, staubreich=Filter wirken nicht
   2023A3  2024 06 04.90  Z 10.1 BG 10.0R 6C726   7.6      0.21  99        FRI02I     C 7.6 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.1
   2023A3  2024 06 04.78  Z 10.2 BG 10.6R 5a600   6.1      0.26 100        LEH02I     C 6.1 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.6
   2023A3  2024 06 03.80  Z 10.2 BG 10.6R 5a720   7.1      0.28 101        LEH02I     C 7.1 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.7
   2023A3  2024 06 02.78  Z 10.3 BG 10.6R 5a720   5.8      0.25 102        LEH02I     C 5.8 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.6
   2023A3  2024 06 01.78  Z 10.2 BG 10.6R 5a720   6.0      0.28 100        LEH02I     C 6.0 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.7
   2023A3  2024 05 31.77  Z 10.3 BG 10.6R 5a720   5.6      0.28 100        LEH02I     C 5.6 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.6
   2023A3  2024 05 30.79  Z 10.3 BG 10.6R 5a720   5.3      0.26 101        LEH02I     C 5.3 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.6
   2023A3  2024 05 29.94  Z 10.7 BG 25.0L 3a240   3.0      0.20 102        LEH02I     C 3.0 mZMP IMX AIR 5               1.0s 1.0 Location: Nerpio (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.5
   2023A3  2024 05 29.77  Z 10.3 BG 10.6R 5a720   4.8      0.24 100        LEH02I     C 4.8 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.6
   2023A3  2024 05 28.92  Z 10.4 BG 10.0R 6C005   4.8      0.28  99        FRI02I     C 4.8 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.8
   2023A3  2024 05 28.91  Z 10.4 BG 27.9L 2a840   4.1      0.28 101        LEH02I     C 4.1 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.3
   2023A3  2024 05 27.93  Z 10.6 BG 25.0L 3a480   3.2      0.23 101        LEH02I     C 3.2 mZMP IMX AIR 5               1.0s 1.0 Location: Nerpio (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.4
   2023A3  2024 05 26.79  Z 10.5 BG 10.6R 5a720   3.5      0.22 100        LEH02I     C 3.5 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.5, moon 89% dist 103 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 25.90  Z 10.6 BG 25.0L 3a480   3.7      0.21 101        LEH02I     C 3.7 mZMP IMX AIR 5               1.0s 1.0 Location: Nerpio (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.5
   2023A3  2024 05 24.87  Z 10.7 BG 25.0L 3a540   3.1      0.20 101        LEH02I     C 3.1 mZMP IMX AIR 5               1.0s 1.0 Location: Nerpio (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.5, moon 98% dist 76 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 24.78  Z 10.6 BG 10.6R 5a960   2.9      0.19 102        LEH02I     C 2.9 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.1, moon 98% dist 75 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 23.90  Z 10.5 BG 27.9L 2A260   3.1      0.21 100        LEH02I     C 3.1 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=19.8, moon 100% dist 63 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 22.78  Z 10.6 BG 10.6R 5a960   2.7      0.19 101        LEH02I     C 2.7 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=18.9, moon 99% dist 48 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 19.89  S  9.8 TK 23.5T10 181   2.5  5                   SCH19       4.8M False Nucleus und Schweif nicht eindeutig erkennbar. Mondabstand nur 12,0°
   2023A3  2024 05 17.88  S  9.8 TK 23.5T10 112   2.2  4/                  SCH19       4.2TMFalse Nucleus und Schweif nicht eindeutig erkennbar
   2023A3  2024 05 17.88  S  9.8 TK 23.5T10 112   2.2  4/                  SCH19       4.2TMFalse Nucleus und Schweif nicht eindeutig erkennbar
   2023A3  2024 05 17.85  Z 10.7 BG 10.6R 5a720   2.5      0.15 102        LEH02I     C 2.5 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=18.5, moon 72% dist 15 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 14.90  Z 10.4 BG 10.0R 6E409   5.2      0.18  99        FRI02I     C 5.2 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.0, moon 44% dist 52 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 14.87  Z 10.5 BG 27.9L 2a900   3.6      0.16 103        LEH02I     C 3.6 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.3, moon 44% dist 52 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 13.93  Z 10.5 BG 10.0R 6A682   4.7                      FRI02I     C 4.7 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.4, moon 35% dist 64 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 13.90  Z 10.5 BG 27.9L 2a960   4.1      0.19 102        LEH02I     C 4.1 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.5, moon 35% dist 65 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 13.86  S  9.6 TK 23.5T10 181   2.0  7/  0.13 105        SCH19       5.8M False Nucleus 12.6 mag (bei 181x)
   2023A3  2024 05 12.90  Z 10.5 BG 27.9L 2A200   3.2      0.17 102        LEH02I     C 3.2 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.4, moon 26% dist 78 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 12.89  Z 10.4 BG 10.0R 6C485   5.1      0.15  99        FRI02I     C 5.1 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.7, moon 25% dist 78 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 11.92  Z 10.5 BG 27.9L 2a960   3.3      0.17 102        LEH02I     C 3.3 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.3, moon 17% dist 91 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 11.91  Z 10.5 BG 10.0R 6B524   3.7      0.14  98        FRI02I     C 3.7 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.0, moon 17% dist 91 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 10.95  Z 10.6 BG 27.9L 2a300   2.6      0.14 102        LEH02I     C 2.6 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=19.5
   2023A3  2024 05 10.90  Z 10.5 BG 10.0R 6B865   3.7      0.13  99        FRI02I     C 3.7 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.2, moon 10% dist 105 deg
   2023A3  2024 05 10.87  Z 10.5 BG 10.6R 5a720   3.2      0.16 100        LEH02I     C 3.2 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.6
   2023A3  2024 05 09.96  Z 10.5 BG 10.0R 6E649   4.3      0.15  98        FRI02I     C 4.3 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.3
   2023A3  2024 05 09.06  S  9.6 TK  8.0R 7  20   1.7  4   0.12            KUT         5.8 
   2023A3  2024 05 08.96  Z 10.5 BG 27.9L 2A020   3.1      0.15  99        LEH02I     C 3.1 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.3
   2023A3  2024 05 08.94  Z 10.5 BG 10.0R 6D329   4.4      0.18  95        FRI02I     C 4.4 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.0
   2023A3  2024 05 08.88  S 10.0 TK 32.0L 5  80   2.0  7   0.10  70        PIL01       21.3 
   2023A3  2024 05 07.89  S 10.0 TK 23.5T10 112   1.5  4/  0.16 110        SCH19       4.4  False Nucleus 13.0 mag (bei 181x)
   2023A3  2024 05 07.89  S 10.0 TK 23.5T10 112   1.5  4/  0.16 110        SCH19       4.4  False Nucleus 13.0 mag (bei 181x)
   2023A3  2024 05 06.81  Z 10.5 BG 10.6R 5a720   3.4      0.18  98        LEH02I     C 3.4 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.3
   2023A3  2024 05 06.81  Z 10.5 BG 10.6R 5a720   3.4      0.18  98        LEH02I     C 3.4 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.3
   2023A3  2024 05 04.93  Z 10.5 BG 10.0R 6B764   4.7      0.12  96        FRI02I     C 4.7 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.1
   2023A3  2024 05 04.89  S 10.2 TK 23.5T10 112   3.0  6/  0.13 100        SCH19       5.0  False Nucleus 12.8 mag (bei 181x)
   2023A3  2024 05 04.89  S 10.2 TK 23.5T10 112   3.0  6/  0.13 100        SCH19       5.0  False Nucleus 12.8 mag (bei 181x)
   2023A3  2024 05 03.88  Z 10.5 BG 10.6R 5a720   3.3      0.16  98        LEH02I     C 3.3 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.4
   2023A3  2024 05 03.88  Z 10.5 BG 10.6R 5a720   3.3      0.16  98        LEH02I     C 3.3 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.4
   2023A3  2024 05 01.94  Z 10.6 BG 27.9L 2A020   2.8      0.13  96        LEH02I     C 2.8 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.5
   2023A3  2024 05 01.94  Z 10.6 BG 10.0R 6B764   4.0      0.11  94        FRI02I     C 4.0 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.2
   2023A3  2024 05 01.91  Z 10.5 BG 10.6R 5a480   3.1      0.12  98        LEH02I     C 3.1 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.2
   2023A3  2024 05 01.91  Z 10.5 BG 10.6R 5a480   3.1      0.12  98        LEH02I     C 3.1 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.2
   2023A3  2024 05 01.87  S 10.4 TK 23.5T10 112   1.4  6    0.05 125       SCH19       5.5  False Nucleus 13.0 mag (bei 181x)
   2023A3  2024 05 01.03  S 10.5 TK 13.0L 5  20   1.7  4   0.11            KUT         5.0 
   2023A3  2024 05 01.03  S 10.5 TK 13.0L 5  20   1.7  4   0.11            KUT         5.0 

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2022S4  2024 06 20.18  Z 16.5 BG 10.6R 5a960   1.1                      LEH02I     C 1.1 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.3

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2022N2  2024 07 17.02  Z 15.8 BG 10.0R 6B646   0.9      1.1 m244        FRI02I     C 0.9 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.7
   2022N2  2024 07 09.04  Z 16.3 BG 10.0R 6B644   0.9                      FRI02I     C 0.9 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.6
   2022N2  2024 07 01.03  Z 16.1 BG 10.6R 5a900   0.9      1.0 m247        LEH02I     C 0.9 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.8
   2022N2  2024 06 15.16  Z 16.3 BG 10.6R 5A260   0.7      1.3 m245        LEH02I     C 0.7 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.1
   2022N2  2024 06 05.14  Z 16.5 BG 10.6R 5A080   0.8      1.5 m247        LEH02I     C 0.8 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.9
   2022N2  2024 05 20.12  Z 16.7 BG 10.6R 5A260   0.5      0.9 m252        LEH02I     C 0.5 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.9
   2022N2  2024 05 04.15  Z 16.7 BG 10.6R 5A260   0.6      0.9 m246        LEH02I     C 0.6 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.8, moon 21% dist 11 deg
   2022N2  2024 05 04.15  Z 16.7 BG 10.6R 5A260   0.6      0.9 m246        LEH02I     C 0.6 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.8, moon 21% dist 11 deg

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2022L2  2024 07 08.79 &Z 15.5 BG 10.6R 5A080   1.4      2.0 m109        LEH02I     C 1.4 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.4
   2022L2  2024 07 02.77  Z 15.1 BG 10.6R 5a900   1.6      1.5 m 98        LEH02I     C 1.6 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.8
   2022L2  2024 06 03.82  Z 14.1 BG 10.6R 5a900   3.0      0.10  90        LEH02I     C 3.0 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.9
   2022L2  2024 05 26.77  Z 14.4 BG 10.6R 5a900   2.3      0.18  89        LEH02I     C 2.3 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.9
   2022L2  2024 05 02.80  Z 13.9 BG 10.6R 5a720   2.6      0.14  82        LEH02I     C 2.6 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.9
   2022L2  2024 05 02.80  Z 13.9 BG 10.6R 5a720   2.6      0.14  82        LEH02I     C 2.6 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.9

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2022E2  2024 05 29.88 &Z 14.0 BG 25.0L 3a540   1.0      1.7 m117        LEH02I     C 1.0 mZMP IMX AIR 5               1.0s 1.0 Location: Nerpio (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=18.9
   2022E2  2024 05 28.89  Z 13.8 BG 10.0R 6A322   1.4      0.9 m126        FRI02I     C 1.4 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=17.0
   2022E2  2024 05 09.86  Z 13.9 BG 10.0R 6B405   1.4      2.1 m125        FRI02I     C 1.4 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.4, moon 4% dist 29 deg
   2022E2  2024 05 08.91 &Z 13.9 BG 27.9L 2A440   1.1      0.06 122        LEH02I     C 1.1 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=19.8

C/2021 S3 (Panstarrs)     
Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2021S3  2024 07 16.96  Z 12.7 BG 10.0R 6A202   4.4      0.13 231        FRI02I     C 4.4 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=20.0
   2021S3  2024 07 10.02  Z 12.6 BG 27.9L 2B040   3.4      0.24 244        LEH02I     C 3.4 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.1
   2021S3  2024 07 09.96  Z 12.6 BG 10.0R 6B644   4.5      0.14 239        FRI02I     C 4.5 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.9
   2021S3  2024 07 08.96  Z 12.4 BG 10.0R 6C125   5.5      0.17 235        FRI02I     C 5.5 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.4
   2021S3  2024 07 05.96  Z 13.0 BG 10.0R 6C846   2.4      0.08 240        FRI02I     C 2.4 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.1
   2021S3  2024 06 25.97  Z 12.3 BG 10.0R 6C365   4.0      0.16 256        FRI02I     C 4.0 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.5, moon 82% dist 81 deg
   2021S3  2024 06 25.02  Z 12.2 BG 10.0R 6C606   5.3      0.18 254        FRI02I     C 5.3 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.1, moon 89% dist 84 deg
   2021S3  2024 06 24.97  Z 12.2 BG 27.9L 2A800   4.1      0.31 256        LEH02I     C 4.1 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.1, moon 90% dist 84 deg
   2021S3  2024 06 23.99  Z 12.2 BG 10.0R 6C005   4.3      0.07 244        FRI02I     C 4.3 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.7, moon 95% dist 87 deg
   2021S3  2024 06 13.96  Z 11.9 BG 10.0R 6F734   6.8      0.33 260        FRI02I     C 6.8 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.4, moon 48% dist 106 deg
   2021S3  2024 06 12.01  Z 12.0 BG 27.9L 2A680   4.3      0.31 261        LEH02I     C 4.3 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.1
   2021S3  2024 06 08.05  Z 11.9 BG 10.0R 6a390   4.5                      FRI02I     C 4.5 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=17.7
   2021S3  2024 06 07.01  Z 11.8 BG 10.0R 6F734   5.0      0.25 266        FRI02I     C 5.0 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.9
   2021S3  2024 06 06.97  Z 11.7 BG 27.9L 2A440   4.8      0.49 264        LEH02I     C 4.8 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.8
   2021S3  2024 06 04.99  Z 11.7 BG 10.0R 6C126   5.2      0.12 257        FRI02I     C 5.2 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=20.1
   2021S3  2024 05 29.00  Z 11.8 BG 10.0R 6B265   4.6      0.24 259        FRI02I     C 4.6 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.1, moon 69% dist 76 deg
   2021S3  2024 05 15.01  Z 11.1 BG 27.9L 2B760   6.8      0.84 266        LEH02I     C 6.8 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.2, moon 45% dist 109 deg
   2021S3  2024 05 14.09  Z 11.5 BG 10.0R 6a480   3.8      0.16 260        FRI02I     C 3.8 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=17.2
   2021S3  2024 05 12.06  Z 10.8 BG 10.0R 6D687   6.4      0.47 268        FRI02I     C 6.4 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.8
   2021S3  2024 05 12.05  Z 11.2 BG 27.9L 2B760   4.5      0.91 267        LEH02I     C 4.5 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.3
   2021S3  2024 05 10.06  Z 10.7 BG 10.0R 6B165   7.4      0.41 267        FRI02I     C 7.4 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.7
   2021S3  2024 05 10.02  S 11.4 TK 44.0L5  100   0.8  4            ICQXXX HAS02
   2021S3  2024 05 09.09  S 11.8 TK 50.8L 5  80   1.8  4   0.06            KUT         6.0 
   2021S3  2024 05 09.07  Z 11.1 BG 10.0R 6C127   5.9      0.59 267        FRI02I     C 5.9 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.4
   2021S3  2024 05 08.96  S 11.1 TK 32.0L 5  80   1.0                      PIL01       21.3 11m-Stern stört
   2021S3  2024 05 02.09  Z 11.1 BG 10.0R 6A923   4.5      0.67 263        FRI02I     C 4.5 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.5, moon 43% dist 65 deg
   2021S3  2024 05 01.97  Z 11.1 BG 27.9L 2A560   4.2      1.26 263        LEH02I     C 4.2 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.6

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2021G2  2024 06 29.78  Z 14.0 BG 10.6R 5a900   1.4      0.05 243        LEH02I     C 1.4 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.1
   2021G2  2024 06 06.78  Z 13.9 BG 10.6R 5A080   1.7      0.08 250        LEH02I     C 1.7 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.1
   2021G2  2024 05 29.79  Z 13.8 BG 10.6R 5a900   1.7      0.08 249        LEH02I     C 1.7 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.0
   2021G2  2024 05 01.87  Z 13.7 BG 10.6R 5A080   1.7      0.15 258        LEH02I     C 1.7 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.7
   2021G2  2024 05 01.87  Z 13.7 BG 10.6R 5A080   1.7      0.15 258        LEH02I     C 1.7 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.7

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2020V2  2024 07 04.13  Z 13.6 BG 10.6R 5a900   2.6      0.24  18        LEH02I     C 2.6 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.9
   2020V2  2024 06 14.15  Z 13.4 BG 10.6R 5A080   2.9      0.37  21        LEH02I     C 2.9 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.1
   2020V2  2024 05 20.15  Z 13.3 BG 10.6R 5A080   2.9      0.32  24        LEH02I     C 2.9 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.8
   2020V2  2024 05 05.16  Z 13.3 BG 10.6R 5A080   2.5      0.77  27        LEH02I     C 2.5 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.2, moon 12% dist 45 deg
   2020V2  2024 05 05.16  Z 13.3 BG 10.6R 5A080   2.5      0.77  27        LEH02I     C 2.5 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=20.2, moon 12% dist 45 deg

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2020K1  2024 05 30.76 &Z 15.4 BG 10.6R 5A080   1.5      0.06 184        LEH02I     C 1.5 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.2
   2020K1  2024 05 03.77  Z 15.0 BG 10.6R 5A080   1.9      0.12 189        LEH02I     C 1.9 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.4
   2020K1  2024 05 03.77  Z 15.0 BG 10.6R 5A080   1.9      0.12 189        LEH02I     C 1.9 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.4

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2019U5  2024 06 05.77  Z 14.9 BG 10.6R 5A260   1.1      2.2 m 90        LEH02I     C 1.1 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.6
   2019U5  2024 05 03.80  Z 14.5 BG 10.6R 5A080   1.4      0.06  81        LEH02I     C 1.4 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.5
   2019U5  2024 05 03.80  Z 14.5 BG 10.6R 5A080   1.4      0.06  81        LEH02I     C 1.4 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.5

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2019T4  2024 07 17.06  Z 16.2 BG 10.0R 6A924   1.0                      FRI02I     C 1.0 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.1
   2019T4  2024 07 10.01  Z 15.7 BG 10.0R 6B644   1.3                      FRI02I     C 1.3 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.1
   2019T4  2024 07 09.00  Z 15.6 BG 10.0R 6C606   1.8      0.05 245        FRI02I     C 1.8 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.8
   2019T4  2024 07 06.01  Z 15.5 BG 10.0R 6C125   1.7      0.05 247        FRI02I     C 1.7 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.7
   2019T4  2024 06 26.00  Z 15.4 BG 27.9L 2C600   1.7      0.09 244        LEH02I     C 1.7 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.2, moon 81% dist 82 deg
   2019T4  2024 06 24.03  Z 16.3 BG 10.0R 6C003   0.8                      FRI02I     C 0.8 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=18.1, moon 95% dist 70 deg
   2019T4  2024 06 11.97  Z 15.2 BG 27.9L 2A680   1.7      0.22 248        LEH02I     C 1.7 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=20.6
   2019T4  2024 06 05.03  Z 15.6 BG 10.0R 6C367   1.8                      FRI02I     C 1.8 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.5
   2019T4  2024 05 13.04  Z 15.1 BG 27.9L 2E400   2.0      0.18 251        LEH02I     C 2.0 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.6
   2019T4  2024 05 11.05  Z 15.2 BG 27.9L 2B520   1.7      0.24 252        LEH02I     C 1.7 mZCP IMX AIR 5               1.3s 1.3 Location: Weimar; Comment: CMOS OSC/G, mlim=21.0
   2019T4  2024 05 09.03  Z 14.9 BG 10.0R 6B887   2.5      0.08 247        FRI02I     C 2.5 mCDS CFC AIR 5               2.0s 2.0 Location: Koeditz; Comment: DSLR green, mlim=19.4

Komet      YYYY MM DD.DDdeM[mm.m:rfAAA.ATF/xxxx >dd.ddnDC >t.tt GGG:       Beobachter  Mag Bemerkungen
   2014UNR12024 06 19.17  Z 15.3 BG 10.6R 5a540   2.1                      LEH02I     C 2.1 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               1.5s 1.5 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.6
   2014UNR12024 05 03.75  Z 15.0 BG 10.6R 5A260   2.5                      LEH02I     C 2.5 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.1
   2014UNR12024 05 03.75  Z 15.0 BG 10.6R 5A260   2.5                      LEH02I     C 2.5 mMC3 IMX AIR 5               2.9s 2.9 Location: Hakos (remote); Comment: CMOS/G, mlim=19.1

Beobachter-Index ~ Index of observer codes

Bec02  Andreas Beck
BUEaa  Michael Büchner
CZY    Jarek Czyz
FIC    Roland Fichtl
FRI02  Steffen Fritsche
GEI    Alexander Geiss
GUT    Otto Guthier
HAE    Bernhard Häusler
HAHab  Michael Hahn
HAR01  Christian Harder
HAS02  Werner Hasubick
HEG01  Robin Hegenbarth
JAE    Michael Jäger
KAM01  Andreas Kammerer
KAS01  Volker Kasten
KOH02  Johannes Kohr
KUT    Walter Kutschera
LEH02  Thomas Lehmann
MEY    Maik Meyer
PIE    Georg Piehler
PIL01  Uwe Pilz
SCH19  Gerhard Scheerle (früher: SCHaa)
VOL    Wolfgang Vollmann