
Tables, Diagrams and Brightness Parameters

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This page provides observation hints for currently observable comets. That includes orbital elements, ephemerides, visibility diagrams, comparison star maps, brightness parameters etc.

Finder Charts

Hints for particular comets

Important note! The magnitudes listed in the ephemerides can deviate more or less from the observed ones. Up-to-date magnitudes are available under News or under Photometry/Observation Results.

Elements & Ephemerides (ICQ)

Brightness parameters of selected comets

The brightness parameters are also available as a text file.

A detailed explanation of the columns is given at the end of the table.

Aktuelle Kometen / Current Comets

Name / Designation T VoP M0_v n_v M0_n n_n
C/2014 UN271 (Bernardinelli-Bernstein) 20310122.94 - 3.5 3.0
450P/LONEOS 20270724.51 - 6.5 4.0
P/2020 MK4 (PANSTARRS) 20270617.42 - 7.0 4.0
14P/Wolf 20260918.67 - 15.0 2.5
141P/Machholz 20260423.13 - 15.0 10.0 13.0 6.0
C/2023 R1 (PANSTARRS) 20260414.41 - 8.0 3.0
C/2024 G4 (PANSTARRS) 20260321.47 - 9.5 3.0
C/2024 G6 (ATLAS) 20260220.83 - 7.5 3.0
C/2024 E1 (Wierzchos) 20260121.38 - 8.5 3.0
C/2023 X2 (Lemmon) 20251226.16 - 9.0 3.0
469P/PANSTARRS 20251208.86 - 13.0 4.0
172P/Yeung 20251103.38 - 13.0 3.0
C/2022 QE78 (ATLAS) 20250909.84 - 7.5 3.0
441P/PANSTARRS 20250909.45 - 12.5 4.0
C/2022 R6 (PANSTARRS) 20250826.73 - 7.5 3.0
C/2022 N2 (PANSTARRS) 20250803.51 - 8.0 3.0
C/2023 V1 (LEMMON) 20250713.06 - 10.0 3.0
C/2023 H5 (LEMMON) 20250630.25 - 8.5 3.0
C/2024 G2 (ATLAS) 20250613.93 - 8.5 3.0
C/2024 A1 (ATLAS) 20250613.86 - 8.5 3.0
C/2023 X7 (PANSTARRS) 20250515.17 - 10.0 3.0
456P/PANSTARRS 20250415.02 - 13.0 4.0
49P/Arend-Rigaux 20250410.84 - 7.5 10.0
C/2024 C2 (PANSTARRS) 20250316.42 - 5.5 4.0
302P/Lemmon-PanSTARRS 20250309.23 - 12.0 4.0
P/2023 S1 () 20250222.82 - 11.0 4.0
C/2023 F3 (ATLAS) 20250202.71 - 7.5 3.0
C/2023 T3 (Fuls) 20250126.68 - 9.5 3.0
C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) 20250113.41 - 10.0 3.0
242P/Spahr 20241224.57 - 8.0 4.0
276P/Vorobjov 20241210.76 - 11.0 4.0
C/2023 Q1 (PANSTARRS) 20241202.31 - 11.5 3.0
333P/LINEAR 20241129.29 - 11.5 4.0
C/2023 H1 (PANSTARRS) 20241127.61 - 10.0 3.0
C/2023 C2 (ATLAS) 20241116.45 S 9.0 3.0
33P/Daniel 20241111.05 - 11.5 6.0
C/2024 G1 (Wierzchos) 20241022.85 - 12.0 3.0
476P/PANSTARRS 20241016.97 - 12.0 4.0
C/2023 U1 (Fuls) 20241012.57 - 9.5 3.0
37P/Forbes 20241011.26 - 6.0 11.5
C/2024 B1 (Lemmon) 20241007.69 - 13.0 3.0
C/2023 A3 (TSUCHINSHAN-ATLAS) 20240927.73 S 4.7 4.0
C/2022 E2 (ATLAS) 20240914.09 S 5.4 3.5
C/2021 G2 (ATLAS) 20240909.30 S 2.8 4.5
C/2024 G5 (Leonard) 20240907.00 - 13.5 3.0
54P/de Vico-Swift-NEAT 20240903.65 - 12.5 6.0
C/2024 C1 (PANSTARRS) 20240830.91 - 11.0 4.0
457P/Lemmon-PANSTARRS 20240820.64 - 15.5 4.0
30P/Reinmuth 20240817.15 - 10.0 6.0
C/2023 R2 (PANSTARRS) 20240812.14 - 12.0 3.0
146P/Shoemaker-LINEAR 20240805.77 - 13.5 6.0
C/2024 F2 (PANSTARRS) 20240728.98 - 11.0 4.0
C/2022 U3 (BOK) 20240728.29 - 8.5 3.0
C/2022 S4 (Lemmon) 20240718.72 - 10.0 3.0
472P/NEAT-LINEAR 20240716.26 - 10.5 4.0
209P/LINEAR 20240714.49 - 18.5 0.0
13P/Olbers 20240630.04 S S 3.4 8.5 4.2 4.0
C/2023 Q2 (PANSTARRS) 20240624.04 - 11.5 3.0
154P/Brewington 20240613.12 - 1.0 18.0 10.5 0.015
192P/Shoemaker-Levy 20240606.47 - 10.5 4.0
475P/Spacewatch-LINEAR 20240601.64 - 10.0 4.0
C/2023 V4 (Camarasa-Duszanowicz) 20240530.36 S 8.5 6.0
349P/Lemmon 20240527.13 - 9.0 8.0
C/2023 X4 (Hogan) 20240524.73 - 12.0 4.0
P/2023 T1 (PANSTARRS) 20240522.90 - 13.0 4.0
46P/Wirtanen 20240517.28 - 9.5 8.0 9.5 4.5
202P/Scotti 20240517.15 - 13.0 4.0
50P/Arend 20240512.76 - 9.5 6.0
479P/Elenin 20240505.24 C 10.0 20.0
478P/ATLAS 20240501.96 - 13.0 4.0
299P/CATALINA-PanSTARRS 20240430.37 - 7.5 6.0
C/2024 A2 (ATLAS) 20240428.90 - 13.0 3.0
212P/NEAT 20240425.09 - 17.5 4.0
P/2023 X3 (PANSTARRS) 20240422.79 - 14.0 4.0
12P/Pons-Brooks 20240421.12 C 4.3 4.7
32P/Comas Sola 20240420.60 S 7.3 6.7
130P/McNaught-Hughes 20240414.88 - 9.5 7.0
89P/Russell 20240326.60 - 10.0 5.5
C/2022 U1 (Leonard) 20240325.87 - 10.0 3.0
C/2021 Q6 (PANSTARRS) 20240324.97 - 7.5 3.0
150P/LONEOS 20240312.46 - 13.5 4.0
C/2022 L2 (ATLAS) 20240312.26 S 12.8 0.0
227P/Catalina-LINEAR 20240308.24 S 5.0 20.0
125P/Spacewatch 20240307.29 - 13.0 6.0
473P/NEAT 20240226.24 S S 4.0 20.0 7.5 10.0
C/2023 H3 (PANSTARRS) 20240218.84 - 9.5 4.0
C/2022 T1 (Lemmon) 20240217.46 - 10.0 3.0
C/2021 S3 (PANSTARRS) 20240214.71 S 8.5 2.0
219P/LINEAR 20240213.83 - 11.5 4.0
251P/LINEAR 20240213.22 - 17.5 2.0
P/2023 V2 (PANSTARRS) 20240204.10 - 14.0 3.0
207P/NEAT 20240131.81 S 17.0 2.0
C/2024 C4 (ATLAS) 20240130.19 S 11.5 6.0
144P/Kushida 20240125.77 S S -4.5 43.0 9.8 2.0
C/2023 S3 (LEMMON) 20240119.62 - 16.0 3.0
C/2022 H1 (PANSTARRS) 20240119.16 - 8.0 3.0
216P/LINEAR 20240106.87 - 13.0 4.0
C/2021 S4 (Tsuchinshan) 20240102.88 - 8.0 3.0
326P/Hill 20231230.56 - 13.0 4.0
226P/Pigott-LINEAR-Kowalski 20231227.19 - 13.0 2.0
477P/PANSTARRS 20231226.74 - 16.0 4.0
26P/Grigg-Skjellerup 20231225.34 - 12.0 6.0 12.5 4.0
62P/Tsuchinshan 20231225.11 S S 6.3 14.0 6.7 11.0
C/2023 T2 (Borisov) 20231222.79 - 15.0 3.0
471P/ 20231220.26 - 12.0 4.0
470P/PanSTARRS 20231217.88 - 13.0 4.0
P/2023 M1 (PANSTARRS) 20231214.49 - 13.0 4.0
C/2023 V5 (Leonard) 20231213.86 - 21.0 3.0
C/2021 A9 (PANSTARRS) 20231202.20 - 8.5 3.0
P/2023 Y1 (Gibbs) 20231129.75 - 16.0 4.0
468P/Siding Spring 20231120.98 - 10.0 4.0
C/2019 E3 (ATLAS) 20231115.37 - 1.0 4.0
P/2024 J1 (PANSTARRS) 20231111.15 - 14.0 4.0
358P/PANSTARRS 20231110.50 - 15.0 4.0
C/2024 C3 (PANSTARRS) 20231107.99 - 11.0 3.0
404P/Bressi 20231104.07 - 9.0 4.0
C/2022 V2 (Lemmon) 20231101.92 - 12.5 3.0
C/2023 H2 (Lemmon) 20231029.18 S S 10.6 5.0 10.2 2.0
P/2024 F1 (PANSTARRS) 20231025.62 - 15.5 4.0
C/2024 E2 (Bok) 20231023.91 - 10.0 3.0
310P/Hill 20231023.46 - 13.5 4.0
2P/Encke 20231022.52 S 11.3 4.0
C/2023 X1 (Leonard) 20231018.08 - 13.5 3.0
C/2023 S2 (ATLAS) 20231015.37 - 12.0 4.0
354P/LINEAR 20231013.87 - 15.5 4.0
103P/Hartley 20231012.50 S 10.5 7.0
P/2022 R1 (PANSTARRS) 20231009.29 - 10.5 4.0
C/2024 B2 (Lemmon) 20231006.02 - 12.5 3.0
C/2022 A3 (LEMMON-ATLAS) 20230928.87 - 9.0 3.0
C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) 20230917.64 S 8.5 3.4
426P/PANSTARRS 20230912.16 - 13.0 4.0
C/2023 K1 (ATLAS) 20230907.74 - 13.0 3.0
P/2022 U6 (Sheppard-Tholen) 20230824.41 - 11.0 4.0
P/2023 Y2 (Gibbs) 20230809.80 - 14.0 4.0
225P/LINEAR 20230808.04 - 18.0 4.0
199P/Shoemaker 20230807.58 - 10.0 4.0
C/2023 V3 (PANSTARRS) 20230806.19 - 12.5 3.0
280P/Larsen 20230804.75 - 12.5 4.0
C/2022 U4 (Bok) 20230803.67 - 10.0 4.0
C/2021 T4 (Lemmon) 20230731.53 S S 8.5 3.3 7.5 5.3
P/2023 M2 (PANSTARRS) 20230725.21 - 11.5 4.0
347P/PanSTARRS 20230720.04 - 14.0 4.0
39P/Oterma 20230717.36 - 5.0 6.0
474P/Hogan 20230716.76 - 14.5 4.0
185P/Petriew 20230712.89 - 12.5 8.0
180P/NEAT 20230712.15 - 11.0 4.0
481P/Lemmon-PanSTARRS 20230708.64 - 12.5 4.0
287P/Christensen 20230706.25 - 11.0 4.0
126P/IRAS 20230705.32 S 8.5 7.5
C/2023 E1 (ATLAS) 20230701.10 S S 10.5 7.0 10.3 3.5
121P/Shoemaker-Holt 20230628.86 - 6.5 8.0
C/2023 F1 (PANSTARRS) 20230628.35 - 16.5 3.0
C/2022 W3 (Leonard) 20230622.77 S 13.5 2.0
C/2021 Q4 (Fuls) 20230610.90 - 7.5 3.0
482P/PANSTARRS 20230602.00 - 13.5 4.0
C/2021 X1 (Maury-Attard) 20230527.20 S 8.3 3.0
94P/Russell 20230521.05 - 12.0 6.0
237P/LINEAR 20230514.69 S 6.0 8.0
364P/PANSTARRS 20230514.01 S S 16.5 9.0 14.7 2.0
465P/Hill 20230509.89 - 12.0 4.0
C/2020 K1 (PANSTARRS) 20230509.08 C S 7.8 2.0 5.6 4.0
C/2020 V2 (ZTF) 20230508.50 S S 4.6 3.6 4.2 4.1
291P/NEAT 20230504.04 - 11.5 4.0
466P/PanSTARRS 20230503.64 - 13.0 4.0
C/2021 Y1 (ATLAS) 20230430.70 S 6.7 6.0
C/2022 JK5 (PANSTARRS) 20230428.85 S 8.2 3.5
P/2023 B1 (PANSTARRS) 20230428.19 - 5.5 4.0
452P/Sheppard-Jewitt 20230425.67 - 9.0 4.0
480P/PanSTARRS 20230422.62 - 12.5 4.0
279P/La Sagra 20230419.50 - 14.0 4.0
170P/Christensen 20230418.93 - 12.0 4.0
300P/CATALINA 20230411.11 - 15.0 4.0
C/2019 O2 (PANSTARRS) 20230407.22 - 7.0 3.0
77P/Longmore 20230403.13 C C 13.7 0.015 13.0 0.005
C/2019 U5 (PANSTARRS) 20230329.78 S S 3.6 4.6 4.9 3.8
463P/NEOWISE 20230329.61 - 17.5 4.0
C/2022 Y2 (Lemmon) 20230322.64 - 14.0 3.0
427P/ATLAS 20230319.34 - 13.5 4.0
C/2023 A1 (Leonard) 20230318.72 - 14.5 3.0
256P/LINEAR 20230312.24 - 12.0 4.0
C/2023 B2 (ATLAS) 20230310.49 - 15.0 3.0
C/2022 W2 (ATLAS) 20230308.72 - 12.5 3.0
C/2022 R3 (Leonard) 20230305.36 - 10.0 3.0
453P/WISE-LEMMON 20230303.02 - 13.5 4.0
464P/PANSTARRS 20230228.23 - 11.0 4.0
455P/PANSTARRS 20230225.46 - 16.5 4.0
459P/CATALINA 20230221.38 - 16.0 4.0
C/2022 A2 (PANSTARRS) 20230218.26 S 5.2 4.9
C/2021 C5 (PANSTARRS) 20230211.07 - 10.0 3.0
C/2020 S4 (PANSTARRS) 20230209.23 - 5.0 6.0
281P/MOSS 20230201.40 - 11.0 4.0
C/2022 Q2 (ATLAS) 20230131.59 - 14.0 3.0
96P/Machholz 20230131.08 S 12.2 5.2
263P/Gibbs 20230130.58 - 18.0 4.0
71P/Clark 20230122.77 S 6.5 8.0
C/2021 P2 (PANSTARRS) 20230122.70 - 10.5 3.0
C/2022 S3 (PANSTARRS) 20230121.68 - 16.5 3.0
P/2021 V2 (Fuls) 20230121.40 - 10.0 4.0
C/2023 A2 (SWAN) 20230120.38 - 11.5 4.0
C/2023 RN3 (ATLAS) 20230116.64 - 7.0 4.0
C/2022 U2 (ATLAS) 20230114.22 S S 8.5 12.0 9.5 6.0
C/2022 E3 (ZTF) 20230112.78 S 7.0 4.1
285P/LINEAR 20230112.26 S 18.3 0.027
P/2022 O2 (PANSTARRS) 20230107.08 - 16.0 4.0
C/2023 V6 (PANSTARRS) 20221224.01 - 12.0 3.0
C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS) 20221219.68 S S 4.8 2.5 4.7 3.1
81P/Wild 20221215.61 S S 5.0 9.0 7.0 6.5
80P/Peters-Hartley 20221208.84 - 12.0 6.0
197P/LINEAR 20221207.77 - 16.5 2.0
129P/Shoemaker-Levy 20221129.97 - 11.0 4.0
C/2022 P1 (NEOWISE) 20221128.47 S S 1.3 15.0 5.5 7.5
451P/Christensen 20221127.53 - 13.5 4.0
C/2022 S5 (PANSTARRS) 20221127.45 - 15.5 3.0
C/2022 Y1 (Hogan) 20221127.23 - 12.5 4.0
467P/LINEAR-Grauer 20221127.07 - 9.0 4.0
118P/Shoemaker-Levy 20221124.34 S 10.2 4.8
244P/Scotti 20221117.46 - 9.0 4.0
204P/LINEAR-NEAT 20221116.86 - 14.0 4.0
458P/Jahn 20221030.05 - 14.0 4.0
P/2022 L3 (ATLAS) 20221029.96 S S 14.0 0.029 13.8 0.006
196P/Tichy 20221029.34 - 13.5 4.0
C/2022 J2 (Bok) 20221027.07 - 16.5 3.0
C/2022 R2 (ATLAS) 20221025.22 - 16.0 8.0
61P/Shajn-Schaldach 20221023.86 S S 14.1 0.050 14.4 0.016
443P/PANSTARRS-Christensen 20221010.14 - 13.0 4.0
408P/Novichonok-Gerke 20221005.03 - 11.0 4.0
211P/Hill 20221004.60 - 12.0 4.0
51P/Harrington 20221001.77 - 10.0 8.0
224P/LINEAR-NEAT 20220929.98 - 15.5 4.0
C/2022 L1 (Catalina) 20220928.24 - 15.0 3.0
C/2020 R7 (ATLAS) 20220916.23 S 7.2 4.0
P/2022 W1 (Rankin) 20220915.73 - 12.5 4.0
41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak 20220913.72 - 10.5 10.0 11.0 5.0
C/2022 N1 (Attard-Maury) 20220910.05 - 16.0 3.0
157P/Tritton 20220909.80 - 10.0 4.0
448P/PanSTARRS 20220906.61 - 15.5 4.0
327P/Van Ness 20220902.40 - 15.5 4.0
189P/NEAT 20220828.84 - 18.0 4.0
73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 20220825.78 S C 11.7 6.0 9.8 4.2
442P/McNaught 20220819.17 - 13.0 4.0
P/2022 S1 (PanSTARRS) 20220819.03 - 12.5 4.0
437P/PANSTARRS 20220818.43 - 12.5 4.0
447P/Sheppard-Tholen 20220818.29 - 11.5 4.0
445P/Lemmon-PanSTARRS 20220817.89 - 14.0 4.0
C/2021 QM45 (PANSTARRS) 20220813.43 - 12.0 3.0
335P/Gibbs 20220812.03 - 16.5 4.0
119P/Parker-Hartley 20220811.97 S C 16.0 0.025 10.5 0.015
100P/Hartley 20220810.95 - 5.0 16.0
127P/Holt-Olmstead 20220810.48 - 14.0 6.0
P/2022 C2 (PANSTARRS) 20220806.59 - 11.5 4.0
C/2022 F1 (ATLAS) 20220805.11 - 8.5 3.0
462P/LONEOS-PANSTARRS 20220802.37 - 16.0 4.0
C/2021 P4 (ATLAS) 20220730.36 S 8.1 4.5
C/2022 P3 (ZTF) 20220727.32 - 13.0 3.0
454P/PANSTARRS 20220725.90 - 13.5 4.0
272P/NEAT 20220717.08 - 13.5 4.0
116P/Wild 20220716.90 S 4.8 8.5
C/2020 F2 (ATLAS) 20220715.61 - 6.0 3.0
P/2022 P2 (ZTF) 20220711.15 - 12.5 4.0
P/2022 R4 (PanSTARRS) 20220710.40 - 16.0 4.0
444P/WISE-PANSTARRS 20220710.38 - 16.0 4.0
169P/NEAT 20220709.68 - 16.0 8.0
C/2021 X2 (Bok) 20220708.15 - 15.0 3.0
117P/Helin-Roman-Alu 20220707.84 S 7.0 4.0
P/2022 C3 (PANSTARRS) 20220701.25 - 10.5 4.0
337P/WISE 20220701.16 - 17.0 4.0
C/2020 Y2 (ATLAS) 20220617.69 - 7.5 4.0
148P/Anderson-LINEAR 20220613.68 - 14.0 4.0
C/2021 E3 (ZTF) 20220611.91 S 5.6 5.3
C/2019 T4 (ATLAS) 20220609.13 S S 0.4 5.7 4.3 3.2
C/2021 T2 (Fuls) 20220607.89 - 13.0 3.0
238P/Read 20220605.46 - 14.5 4.0
C/2021 P1 (PANSTARRS) 20220602.04 - 11.5 3.0
113P/Spitaler 20220601.42 - 11.5 6.0
179P/Jedicke 20220530.07 - 2.5 8.0
446P/McNaught 20220529.64 - 17.5 4.0
P/2022 R5 (PanSTARRS) 20220528.25 - 15.5 4.0
420P/Hill 20220522.48 - 11.5 4.0
286P/Christensen 20220512.64 - 13.5 4.0
C/2021 V1 (Rankin) 20220430.37 - 13.5 3.0
C/2020 U5 (PANSTARRS) 20220427.89 - 9.5 3.0
45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova 20220425.54 S 8.2 5.0
44P/Reinmuth 20220423.45 - 8.5 6.0
C/2021 O3 (PANSTARRS) 20220421.04 S S 12.0 3.0 14.5 4.0
P/2023 M4 (ATLAS) 20220414.95 - 7.0 4.0
99P/Kowal 20220412.92 - 6.0 6.0
274P/Tombaugh-Tenagra 20220408.47 - 12.5 4.0
C/2020 U4 (PANSTARRS) 20220407.99 - 9.0 3.0
C/2021 F1 (LEMMON-PANSTARRS) 20220406.87 S S 8.2 8.0 8.2 4.0
440P/Kobayashi 20220329.95 - 13.0 6.0
325P/Yang-Gao 20220329.17 - 15.0 4.0
C/2022 D2 (Kowalski) 20220327.57 - 17.0 3.0
C/2022 F2 (NEOWISE) 20220323.45 - 14.5 3.0
230P/LINEAR 20220319.32 - 13.0 4.0
22P/Kopff 20220318.09 S 6.5 7.0
C/2022 O1 (ATLAS) 20220315.67 - 7.5 3.0
9P/Tempel 20220304.94 S 9.0 8.0
C/2021 S1 (ATLAS) 20220228.88 - 8.0 3.0
P/2022 B1 (Wierzchos) 20220225.33 - 16.5 4.0
C/2020 R2 (PANSTARRS) 20220224.49 - 10.5 3.0
382P/Larson 20220222.96 - 8.0 4.0
483P/PanSTARRS 20220220.66 - 16.0 4.0
C/2022 J1 (Maury-Attard) 20220219.04 - 13.5 3.0
97P/Metcalf-Brewington 20220215.52 - 5.5 6.0
C/2021 L3 (Borisov) 20220213.49 - 8.0 3.0
431P/Scotti 20220213.36 - 15.5 4.0
348P/PanSTARRS 20220212.51 - 14.0 4.0
86P/Wild 20220207.64 - 13.0 6.0
C/2021 D2 (ZTF) 20220203.97 - 13.5 1.0
C/2021 K3 (CATALINA) 20220202.77 - 12.0 3.0
19P/Borrelly 20220201.82 S S 5.2 11.5 7.3 4.5
C/2022 A1 (Sarneczky) 20220131.15 - 18.5 3.0
C/2022 B4 (Bok) 20220129.89 - 20.0 3.0
C/2021 U5 (CATALINA) 20220126.61 - 13.5 3.0
C/2021 Q3 (ATLAS) 20220126.10 - 9.0 3.0
422P/Christensen 20220113.84 - 11.0 4.0
205P/Giacobini 20220113.71 - 13.0 4.0
152P/Helin-Lawrence 20220113.67 - 10.0 3.5
P/2021 R5 (Rankin) 20220112.12 - 11.5 4.0
104P/Kowal 20220111.62 S S 9.8 13.5 10.4 2.7
C/2019 L3 (ATLAS) 20220109.62 S S -4.3 8.6 1.8 3.8
C/2021 A1 (Leonard) 20220103.29 S S 8.4 4.9 8.1 4.3
429P/LINEAR-Hill 20220102.13 - 14.0 6.0 14.0 4.0
132P/Helin-Roman-Alu 20211113.11 S S 2.3 21.0 8.5 10.0
C/2018 U1 (Lemmon) 20211103.07 S 5.0 4.0
67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 20211102.06 C C 11.4 0.025 8.0 0.030
C/2020 PV6 (PANSTARRS) 20210925.99 S 3.8 10.0
6P/d'Arrest 20210917.78 C C 12.0 0.045 7.1 0.025
108P/Ciffreo 20210910.15 S 11.2 5.2
4P/Faye 20210908.82 S 9.8 2.5
8P/Tuttle 20210827.73 S 7.4 4.0
15P/Finlay 20210713.47 S 10.7 6.0
C/2020 T2 (Palomar) 20210711.14 S S -1.2 13.5 5.7 4.5
C/2019 F1 (ATLAS-Africano) 20210622.86 S 9.5 2.0
7P/Pons-Winnecke 20210527.11 S S 13.0 3.5 12.5 2.0
C/2020 J1 (SONEAR) 20210418.56 S S 0.5 8.0 7.5 2.5
C/2020 F5 (MASTER) 20210324.26 S 5.3 4.0
10P/Tempel 20210324.26 S 5.0 11.0
C/2021 A4 (NEOWISE) 20210320.03 S 12.0 14.0
C/2020 N1 (PANSTARRS) 20210312.22 S 14.5 2.0
C/2020 R4 (ATLAS) 20210301.93 S 9.4 3.7
C/2021 D1 (SWAN) 20210227.61 S 10.0 5.0
246P/NEAT 20210222.95 S S -12.6 19.5 12.6 0.0
17P/Holmes 20210219.82 C -3.5 17.0
C/2021 A2 (NEOWISE) 20210122.63 S 6.7 14.0
277P/LINEAR 20201230.17 C C 14.5 0.05 13.5 0.01
398P/Boattini 20201226.74 S 10.4 13.0
141P/Machholz 20201216.27 S S 13.5 0.12 12.0 3.8
C/2020 S3 (Erasmus) 20201212.66 S S 8.9 4.5 7.5 5.0
C/2019 N1 (ATLAS) 20201201.80 S 9.5 2.5
156P/Russell-LINEAR 20201117.87 S S -0.8 40.0 9.7 4.5
C/2020 M3 (ATLAS) 20201025.63 S S 7.1 11.2 8.6 5.2
88P/Howell 20200926.60 S S 4.7 11.0 7.0 3.8
C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) 20200703.67 C S 7.1 5.3 6.3 4.0
249P/LINEAR 20200629.49 S 18.5 0.0
2P/Encke 20200625.84 S 11.3 4.0
C/2019 U6 (Lemmon) 20200618.82 C C 6.7 6.0 7.9 5.9
C/2019 K7 (Smith) 20200616.89 S 8.5 2.6
C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) 20200531.02 C 11.0 2.0
C/2020 F8 (SWAN) 20200527.54 C 7.5 2.0
58P/Jackson-Neujmin 20200527.44 S S 9.1 0.0 2.9 18.0
C/2017 T2 (PANSTARRS) 20200504.95 S S 5.5 3.5 4.5 6.0
210P/Christensen 20200407.91 S 13.3 3.0
C/2019 Y1 (ATLAS) 20200315.56 S C 9.1 7.5 8.0 4.2
114P/Wiseman-Skiff 20200114.08 S 7.5 14.0
C/2020 A2 (Iwamoto) 20200108.31 S 10.4 3.8
2I/Borisov 20191208.55 S 10.5 4.0
C/2018 F4 (PANSTARRS) 20191204.08 S 4.0 5.0
155P/Shoemaker 20191115.01 S 10.5 6.0
C/2018 N2 (ASASSN) 20191110.99 S S 6.8 2.4 5.4 3.6
68P/Klemola 20191109.03 S 7.1 8.0
260P/McNaught 20190909.95 S S 6.4 18.0 12.6 1.5
C/2018 W2 (Africano) 20190905.72 S S 8.0 5.2 9.5 2.0
C/2018 A6 (Gibbs) 20190714.26 S 4.2 6.0
C/2018 R3 (Lemmon) 20190607.19 S S 8.7 0.12 8.1 3.0
78P/Gehrels 20190402.76 S 8.2 4.5
C/2010 U3 (Boattini) 20190226.49 S 6.7 2.0
C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto) 20190207.02 S S 5.6 13.0 7.8 4.0
123P/West-Hartley 20190205.11 S 8.8 4.5
C/2017 B3 (LINEAR) 20190202.50 S 8.3 2.0
C/2017 M4 (ATLAS) 20190118.18 S 6.8 3.3
46P/Wirtanen 20181212.94 S S 9.4 8.6 9.6 4.5
60P/Tsuchinshan 20181211.23 S 12.5 2.0
C/2018 V1 (Machholz-Fujikawa-Iwamoto) 20181203.50 C 9.5 0.045
C/2018 L2 (ATLAS) 20181202.57 C 9.0 0.015
38P/Stephan-Oterma 20181110.97 S S 4.4 11.5 7.5 5.3
64P/Swift-Gehrels 20181103.89 S C 11.5 0.038 7.9 0.034
21P/Giacobini-Zinner 20180910.27 S S 9.0 6.8 9.4 8.6
C/2017 S3 (PANSTARRS) 20180815.95 C 9.5 4.0
48P/Johnson 20180812.19 S S 12.3 0.019 12.3 0.000
C/2016 M1 (PANSTARRS) 20180810.17 S C 3.1 5.5 5.0 3.3
C/2018 N1 (NEOWISE) 20180801.98 S 9.2 7.0
C/2017 T3 (ATLAS) 20180719.14 S 9.3 4.0
C/2016 N6 (PANSTARRS) 20180718.21 S 5.3 4.2
364P/PANSTARRS 20180624.36 S 15.4 5.0
66P/du Toit 20180519.16 S 8.2 10.0
C/2016 R2 (PANSTARRS) 20180509.02 S S 2.8 5.9 4.6 4.2
37P/Forbes 20180504.12 S 6.0 11.5
C/2017 T1 (Heinze) 20180221.71 S 12.3 5.5
C/2015 O1 (PANSTARRS) 20180219.02 S 4.5 4.0
185P/Petriew 20180127.66 S 11.0 6.0
24P/Schaumasse 20171116.92 S 9.8 6.0
62P/Tsuchinshan 20171116.12 S S -0.5 30.0 4.8 15.0
96P/Machholz 20171027.96 S 15.0 5.0
65P/Gunn 20171017.80 S 7.5 4.0
C/2017 O1 (ASASSN) 20171014.78 C S 10.7 -2.5 5.4 9.9
213P/Van Ness 20170924.37 S 10.5 4.0
217P/LINEAR 20170716.56 S S 6.4 22.0 10.0 6.0
71P/Clark 20170630.21 S S 11.1 0.031 11.1 0.010
C/2015 V2 (Johnson) 20170612.33 S S 6.8 2.7 6.1 4.2
C/2015 ER61 (PANSTARRS) 20170509.94 C 6.9 4.8
C/2017 E4 (Lovejoy) 20170423.27 C 11.7 9.2
41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak 20170412.75 S S 10.4 14.0 10.9 4.8
C/2017 E1 (Borisov) 20170410.13 S 10.5 6.0
73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 20170316.84 S 11.0 6.0
2P/Encke 20170310.09 C 10.9 3.2
C/2016 U1 (NEOWISE) 20170114.01 S 11.3 3.9
45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova 20161231.26 S 11.4 5.1
C/2013 X1 (PANSTARRS) 20160420.72 C S 3.8 5.6 4.4 6.0
252P/LINEAR 20160315.27 S C 12.2 0.372 11.5 0.00
C/2014 S2 (PANSTARRS) 20151209.79 S S -4.4 15.0 5.4 2.8
C/2013 US10 (CATALINA) 20151115.72 C S 4.9 3.5 5.9 2.9

Abschliessend ausgewertete Kometensichtbarkeiten / Completed Analysis of Comet Apparitions

Name / Designation T VoP M0_v n_v M0_n n_n
144P/Kushida 20160831.07 S 7.2 7.0
C/2016 A8 (LINEAR) 20160830.66 S 1.7 16.0
43P/Wolf-Harrington 20160819.69 S 7.5 7.0
9P/Tempel 20160802.58 S 6.5 10.0
81P/Wild 20160720.30 S 5.3 8.0
C/2011 KP36 (Spacewatch) 20160526.89 S 5.4 3.0
53P/Van Biesbroeck 20160429.93 S 8.2 4.0
C/PanSTARRS (2015WZ) 20160415.79 S 9.5 4.0
C/2014 W2 (PanSTARRS) 20160310.48 S 6.6 3.8
116P/Wild 20160111.54 S 8.5 4.0
10P/Tempel 20151114.25 S S 9.2 0.038 9.5 0.000
22P/Kopff 20151025.09 S 5.0 9.0
61P/Shajn-Schaldach 20151002.14 S 7.5 8.0
C/2014 A4 (SONEAR) 20150905.86 S 6.0 4.0
67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 20150813.08 C C 11.0 0.032 9.8 0.016
C/2015 F4 (Jacques) 20150810.86 S 6.6 8.5
C/2014 Q1 (PANSTARRS) 20150706.51 S 7.9 3.8
C/2014 W1 (PanSTARRS) 20150617.32 S S 11.3 0.011 11.3 0.001
C/2015 G2 (MASTER) 20150523.78 S 8.4 3.9
C/2012 F3 (PanSTARRS) 20150406.67 S 6.0 4.0
88P/Howell 20150406.23 S 6.2 6.5
C/2015 F5 (SWAN-XINGMING) 20150328.09 S 11.9 2.0
C/2015 F3 (SWAN) 20150309.35 S 10.2 8.0
C/2015 C2 (SWAN) 20150304.56 S S 12.0 4.0 10.0 4.0
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) 20150130.06 S C 2.8 9.7 4.0 3.1
15P/Finlay 20141227.05 C 12.0 4.0
C/2014 R1 (Borisov) 20141119.23 S 8.0 5.5
C/2014 Q3 (Borisov) 20141119.06 S 8.5 4.0
C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) 20141025.30 C C 9.2 1.4 5.4 6.0
32P/Comas Sola 20141017.59 S 11.3 2.0
C/2013 V5 (Oukaimeden) 20140928.22 S S 8.6 1.2 10.2 4.0
C/2012 K1 (PANSTARRS) 20140827.65 S S 5.1 3.8 6.0 3.4
C/2013 UQ4 (CATALINA) 20140705.95 S 11.8 2.0
C/2014 E2 (Jacques) 20140702.51 C S 7.0 4.5 7.1 3.7
134P/Kowal-Vavrova 20140521.49 S S 12.0 0.005 12.5 0.005
209P/LINEAR 20140506.32 S 18.5 0.0
C/2013 V1 (Boattini) 20140421.23 S 10.8 2.5
290P/Jäger 20140312.47 S 7.4 5.2
C/2012 X1 (LINEAR) 20140221.62 C 4.6 4.1
C/2011 J2 (LINEAR) 20131225.29 S 5.3 4.0
C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) 20131222.73 S C 7.1 4.9 6.6 3.8
154P/Brewington 20131212.45 S S 0.8 18.0 10.4 0.013
C/2012 S1 (ISON) 20131128.77 C 8.7 1.9
2P/Encke 20131121.69 C 10.9 4.0
C/2013 V3 (Nevski) 20131029.90 C 8.6 5.0
C/2013 N4 (Borisov) 20130821.51 S 8.0 6.0
C/2012 V2 (LINEAR) 20130816.47 S S 9.0 4.0 5.0 5.0
C/2010 S1 (LINEAR) 20130520.29 S S 9.3 .0005 9.3 0010
C/2012 L2 (LINEAR) 20130509.32 S 5.9 6.0
63P/Wild 20130410.78 S 12.0 0.0
C/2012 F6 (Lemmon) 20130324.51 S C 5.2 4.6 4.8 3.9
C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS) 20130310.16 S S 5.4 3.0 5.5 3.6
C/2012 T5 (Bressi) 20130224.05 C 9.0 0.055
246P/NEAT 20130128.70 S 6.0 4.0
273P/Pons-Gambart 20121219.67 S 8.8 4.8
C/2012 J1 (CATALINA) 20121207.24 S 10.8 0.008
262P/McNaught-Russell 20121204.47 C 11.8 0.023
C/2012 K5 (LINEAR) 20121128.68 C C 9.2 0.025 10.5 0.015
C/2012 A2 (LINEAR) 20121105.09 S S 10.5 0.0 10.5 0.015
C/2011 R1 (McNaught) 20121019.62 S 8.2 2.0
168P/Hergenrother 20121001.96 S C 12.0 0.13 11.3 0.009
260P/McNaught 20120912.52 S 12.5 2.0
185P/Petriew 20120813.57 S 10.5 12.0
C/2011 UF305 (LINEAR) 20120722.16 S 3.0 8.0
96P/Machholz 20120714.78 S S 15.0 5.0 11.3 3.3
P/La Sagra (2012NJ) 20120613.08 S 14.5 2.0
C/2006 S3 (LONEOS) 20120416.32 S S 8.7 1.0 7.7 1.0
C/2012 C2 (Bruenjes) 20120312.65 S 12.0 4.0
21P/Giacobini-Zinner 20120211.73 S 6.2 9.0
78P/Gehrels 20120112.91 S -5.7 20.0
C/2009 P1 (Garradd) 20111223.67 C S 3.9 3.1 4.1 3.3
C/2011 A3 (Gibbs) 20111216.08 S 2.7 0.053
C/2011 W3 (Lovejoy) 20111216.01 S S 15.5 6.0 10.0 6.0
49P/Arend-Rigaux 20111019.07 S 7.5 10.0
45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova 20110928.78 S S 13.0 7.8 11.0 5.2
C/2011 Q4 (SWAN) 20110921.08 S 8.5 6.0
C/2010 X1 (Elenin) 20110910.72 C C 8.5 4.3 10.2 0.098
C/2011 M1 (LINEAR) 20110907.57 S 9.5 7.0
C/2010 G2 (Hill) 20110902.05 S S 9.6 0.017 9.3 0.002
C/2011 L3 (McNaught) 20110810.50 S 12.3 0.028
213P/Van Ness 20110616.26 S 10.7 0.017
C/2011 C1 (McNaught) 20110418.00 S C 10.5 10.8 9.4 6.0
103P/Hartley 20101028.25 S S 9.2 11.2 9.4 3.8
P/2010 V1 (Ikeya-Murakami) 20101013.28 S 4.7 0.12
2P/Encke 20100806.50 C 10.1 2.3
10P/Tempel 20100704.90 C C 8.7 0.060 9.1 0.012
C/2009 R1 (McNaught) 20100702.67 C 7.0 2.7
C/2009 K5 (McNaught) 20100430.02 C C 4.3 7.6 6.1 2.9
P/2010 H2 (Vales) 20100306.59 C 10.1 0.002
65P/Gunn 20100302.14 S 6.2 4.4
81P/Wild 20100222.70 S S 10.0 0.0 8.0 3.9
88P/Howell 20091012.46 S S 2.4 15.5 7.2 1.2
C/2007 Q3 (Siding Spring) 20091007.26 S S 4.9 2.8 0.3 7.9
217P/LINEAR 20090908.96 S S 9.6 7.5 10.4 3.0
116P/Wild 20090718.86 S 8.5 0.020
C/2006 W3 (Christensen) 20090706.65 S -0.6 5.7
C/2008 Q3 (Garradd) 20090623.08 S -0.4 12.0
C/2008 T2 (Cardinal) 20090613.24 S 6.0 5.8
22P/Kopff 20090525.42 S S 4.4 9.0 9.4 1.8
C/2009 F6 (Yi-SWAN) 20090507.43 S 7.7 0.018
C/2009 G1 (STEREO) 20090416.50 S 7.9 2.8
C/2009 E1 (Itagaki) 20090407.92 S S 12.4 9.0 9.1 3.4
67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 20090228.36 S 6.7 9.5
144P/Kushida 20090126.86 S S -3.5 33.0 6.1 8.0
C/2007 N3 (LULIN) 20090110.64 S 5.4 4.1
210P/Christensen 20081219.97 S 13.5 4.0
C/2007 G1 (LINEAR) 20081116.31 S 5.5 4.0
C/2008 A1 (McNaught) 20080929.12 S 5.8 3.2
C/2006 OF2 (Broughton) 20080915.68 S C 9.5 0.004 8.0 0.008
6P/d'Arrest 20080814.95 S C 11.7 0.146 8.4 0.017
19P/Borrelly 20080722.34 S 5.0 8.2
C/2008 J1 (Boattini) 20080713.26 S S 2.1 13.0 4.6 7.8
C/2006 Q1 (McNaught) 20080703.85 S 4.8 4.1
C/2007 W1 (Boattini) 20080624.88 S 8.6 4.0
C/2008 C1 (Chen-Gao) 20080416.84 S 6.1 11.0
46P/Wirtanen 20080202.49 S S 8.3 9.0 8.6 5.8
8P/Tuttle 20080127.02 C C 8.0 7.7 7.3 3.2
C/2005 L3 (McNaught) 20080116.00 S 4.0 3.0
93P/Lovas 20071217.34 S 8.8 7.0
C/2007 T1 (McNaught) 20071212.52 S S 7.7 8.5 7.5 4.5
C/2007 F1 (LONEOS) 20071028.75 C 8.2 2.4
C/2006 VZ13 (LINEAR) 20070810.89 S 8.2 4.7
C/2007 E1 (Garradd) 20070523.83 S 7.5 8.0
2P/Encke 20070419.31 S S 10.3 3.1 11.8 5.0
96P/Machholz 20070404.62 S 12.0 4.2
C/2007 E2 (Lovejoy) 20070327.51 S 8.9 3.4
C/2006 P1 (McNaught) 20070112.79 S S 6.2 4.8 4.2 4.5
P/2006 HR30 (Siding Spring) 20070102.28 C 14.0 0.0
C/2006 L2 (McNaught) 20061120.19 S 4.0 7.0
4P/Faye 20061115.44 S S 4.2 11.5 8.5 3.8
C/2006 L1 (Garradd) 20061018.00 S 6.9 5.8
P/2006 T1 (Levy) 20061007.42 S 9.2 28.0
C/2006 M4 (SWAN) 20060928.72 S C 6.5 4.0 5.5 5.5
177P/Barnard 20060828.68 S 8.9 9.0
41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak 20060611.80 S S 9.3 15.0 9.6 8.0
71P/Clark 20060606.80 S C 12.3 0.025 10.7 0.020
C/2003 WT42 (LINEAR) 20060410.76 S 3.0 4.0
C/2005 E2 (McNaught) 20060223.47 S 6.8 3.5
C/2006 A1 (Pojmanski) 20060222.18 S S 8.5 4.5 7.8 3.6
C/2004 B1 (LINEAR) 20060207.88 S 11.5 0.0
C/2005 N1 (Juels-Holvorcem) 20050822.04 S S 9.6 5.5 10.0 3.0
C/2005 P3 (SWAN) 20050809.74 S 11.1 3.7
37P/Forbes 20050801.75 S 9.8 6.0
C/2005 K2 (LINEAR) 20050705.39 C 12.0 4.0
9P/Tempel 1 20050705.31 S 6.4 9.7
21P/Giacobini-Zinner 20050702.76 S 9.0 6.0
161P/Hartley-IRAS 20050620.84 S 9.4 2.2
C/2005 A1 (LINEAR) 20050410.22 S S 8.2 5.4 8.0 3.5
C/2003 T4 (LINEAR) 20050403.64 S 7.9 2.5
32P/Comas Sola 20050401.33 S 9.1 3.8
C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) 20050124.91 S S 5.1 4.0 5.3 3.4
C/2004 V1 (SWAN) 20041221.15 S S 12.0 4.0 13.8 3.2
C/2004 U1 (LINEAR) 20041208.74 S 7.5 4.0
62P/Tsuchinshan 1 20041207.91 S 8.5 8.0
C/2004 Q1 (Tucker) 20041206.86 S S -0.7 13.5 8.1 2.5
78P/Gehrels 2 20041027.06 S S 11.0 0.011 10.1 0.008
C/2003 K4 (LINEAR) 20041013.71 C S 3.1 5.5 5.8 2.4
C/2004 R2 (ASAS) 20041007.89 S 6.8 0.105
C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) 20040515.96 C C 5.5 2.3 5.7 2.9
C/2004 H6 (SWAN) 20040512.68 C 5.3 0.073
C/2003 T3 (Tabur) 20040429.00 S S 6.6 2.6 6.4 3.6
C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) 20040423.06 C C 4.3 3.7 6.1 3.0
C/2004 F4 (Bradfield) 20040417.09 S 8.3 3.4
88P/Howell 20040412.56 S S 6.0 10.0 6.9 6.5
43P/Wolf-Harrington 20040318.78 S 7.0 7.5
C/2003 H1 (LINEAR) 20040222.61 S 7.3 4.5
2P/Encke 20031229.87 C 5.6 0.117
C/2002 O7 (LINEAR) 20030922.56 S 10.1 1.4
C/2001 HT50 (LINEAR-NEAT) 20030709.01 S 8.3 1.3
65P/Gunn 20030511.86 S 9.2 2.0
C/2002 Y1 (Juels-Holvorcem) 20030413.24 C S 6.8 4.9 4.8 0.044
C/2002 V1 (NEAT) 20030218.29 C S 7.0 3.0 5.8 2.5
C/2002 X5 (Kudo-Fujikawa) 20030129.00 S C 7.1 2.0 8.4 3.3
116P/Wild 4 20030121.58 S 9.5 2.0
C/2001 RX14 (LINEAR) 20030118.69 S 9.5 1.0
30P/Reinmuth 20021224.39 S 10.3 4.0
C/2001 K5 (LINEAR) 20021011.76 S 2.5 4.0
C/2002 O4 (Hönig) 20021001.98 C 8.5 2.0
92P/Sanguin 20020923.05 S 10.7 4.6
C/2002 O6 (SWAN) 20020909.44 C 9.2 2.0
46P/Wirtanen 20020826.74 S 9.0 3.0
C/2000 SV74 (LINEAR) 20020430.47 S 6.1 2.9
C/2002 F1 (Utsunomiya) 20020422.89 S S 9.7 6.1 8.0 4.3
C/2002 H2 (LINEAR) 20020323.41 S 10.8 2.0
153P/Ikeya-Zhang 20020318.97 S C 7.0 4.0 6.2 2.8
C/2001 OG108 (LONEOS) 20020315.20 S S 10.0 3.0 10.5 6.0
C/2002 E2 (Snyder-Murakami) 20020221.78 S 7.5 4.7
C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR) 20020122.67 C C 7.6 3.0 6.3 5.6
P/2001 MD7 (LINEAR) 20011130.13 S 12.1 1.0
P/2001 Q6 (NEAT) 20011109.46 S 8.5 8.0
19P/Borrelly 20010914.73 S S 4.4 14.0 7.0 6.5
P/2001 Q2 (Petriew) 20010901.92 S 10.5 12.0
C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) 20010524.52 C C 7.6 6.0 7.1 4.3
24P/Schaumasse 20010502.65 S 7.7 10.5
C/1999 Y1 (LINEAR) 20010324.11 S 7.8 2.0
C/2000 W1 (Utsunomiya-Jones) 20001226.55 S S 10.2 3.9 11.0 4.0
C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley) 20001213.47 S 6.2 3.6
C/1999 T2 (LINEAR) 20001124.46 S 9.2 1.2
C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) 20000726.17 C S 9.0 1.9 8.3 0.20
C/1999 K8 (LINEAR) 20000424.30 S 0.5 6.2
C/1999 J2 (Skiff) 20000405.98 S 1.5 4.0
C/1999 L3 (LINEAR) 20000104.90 C 6.5 6.0
106P/Schuster 19991216.22 S 11.5 4.0
141P-A/Machholz 19991209.95 S S 14.8 9.0 13.1 5.7
C/1999 S3 (LINEAR) 19991109.00 S S 11.7 0.016 8.8 3.8
C/1999 J3 (LINEAR) 19990920.16 S S 8.8 5.8 8.8 1.8
10P/Tempel 2 19990908.42 C C 9.9 0.028 9.9 0.007
C/1999 H3 (LINEAR) 19990818.23 S S 10.1 0.009 10.3 0.004
C/1999 N2 (Lynn) 19990723.05 S S 8.0 0.009 7.0 0.04
C/1999 H1 (Lee) 19990711.17 S 6.5 4.3
C/1998 T1 (LINEAR) 19990625.25 S 9.0 2.2
37P/Forbes 19990504.18 C C 10.2 5.0 8.5 7.0
P/1998 U3 (Jäger) 19990310.07 S 4.9 6.1
52P/Harrington-Abell 19990127.87 C C 11.2 0.0 11.3 0.008
C/1999 A1 (Tilbrook) 19990129.65 S 12.0 4.0
C/1998 M5 (LINEAR) 19990124.57 S 6.2 3.7
C/1998 U5 (LINEAR) 19981221.76 C S 8.2 6.0 8.7 3.7
21P/Giacobini-Zinner 19981121.31 C S 8.7 6.2 9.7 3.6
C/1998 P1 (Williams) 19981017.84 S S 6.5 3.0 7.3 2.8
93P/Lovas 1 19981014.14 S 12.7 0.0
88P/Howell 19980927.17 S S 5.8 11.0 7.7 4.2
C/1998 M2 (LINEAR) 19980813.17 S 12.3 0.0
C/1998 K5 (LINEAR) 19980717.44 S C 15.3 0.042 15.0 0.000
C/1998 J1 (SOHO) 19980508.61 S 6.4 2.6
62P/Tsuchinshan 1 19980419.05 S S 10.8 0.055 11.1 0.006
C/1998 H1 (Stonehouse) 19980414.40 S 10.6 1.8
C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy) 19980310.44 S S 4.6 3.1 3.4 4.3
104P/Kowal 2 19980302.16 S 10.4 3.3
55P/Tempel-Tuttle 19980228.09 S 8.4 10.5
103P/Hartley 2 19971222.01 S S 8.7 9.0 8.6 3.7
69P/Taylor 19971212.26 C 11.0 0.0
C/1997 T1 (Utsunomiya) 19971210.17 S 6.8 6.0
C/1997 D1 (Mueller) 19971011.61 S C 7.5 2.7 11.2 0.0
43P/Wolf-Harrington 19970929.21 S 7.3 7.5
78P/Gehrels 2 19970807.04 S 9.1 2.0
81P/Wild 2 19970506.62 S 6.4 6.2
C/1997 J1 (Mueller) 19970503.71 S 6.5 4.0
C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) 19970401.13 C C -0.65 3.15 -1.0 3.7
46P/Wirtanen 19970314.15 S S 8.0 11.5 8.5 3.5
118P/Shoemaker-Levy 4 19970112.11 S 10.2 2.0
C/1996 Q1 (Tabur) 19961103.52 C C 7.3 4.0 9.0 0.075
116P/Wild 4 19960831.23 S 7.8 0.017
C/1996 R1 (Hergenrother-Spahr) 19960828.73 S 7.0 6.0
C/1996 N1 (Brewington) 19960803.42 S S 9.5 6.3 8.5 6.2
C/1996 E1 (NEAT) 19960727.34 C 6.0 10.5
65P/Gunn 19960724.39 S S 5.0 6.0 4.0 6.0
22P/Kopff 19960702.19 S 6.6 5.6
C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake) 19960501.39 C 5.2 3.3
C/1995 Y1 (Hyakutake) 19960224.28 S 7.4 4.5
C/1996 B1 (Szczepanski) 19960206.91 S 7.1 5.6
67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 19960117.65 S S 10.7 0.025 10.4 0.002
45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova 19951225.98 C C 11.5 4.8 11.4 2.0
58P/Jackson-Neujmin 19951006.60 C C 14.3 0.02 10.5 0.00
122P/de Vico 19951006.02 S 7.4 4.2
73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 19950922.89 C 5.5 4.0
C/1995 Q1 (Bradfield) 19950831.41 S 7.5 3.0
6P/d'Arrest 19950727.31 C C 10.2 0.14 8.6 0.02
P/Borrelly (1994l) 19941101.49 S S 5.8 9.8 7.2 5.6
P/Machholz 2 - A (1994o) 19940918.80 C C 6.5 0.15 9.2 0.045
P/Machholz 2 - D (1994o) 19940918.80 C C 11.0 0.20 8.5 0.125
Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz (1994m) 19940712.94 S 7.8 7.0
P/Tempel 1 (1993c) 19940703.30 S 5.9 8.6
Takamizawa (1994i) 19940629.63 S 9.1 0.010
Takamizawa-Levy (1994f) 19940522.53 S 7.1 3.5
McNaught-Russell (1993v) 19940331.09 S 8.8 2.4
Mueller (1994IX) 19940326.27 S S 6.0 4.3 6.6 0.087
P/Encke 19940209.47 S S 9.8 2.9 11.4 4.4
P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 19940123.90 S S 10.8 0.012 10.3 0.012
Mueller (1993a) 19940112.88 S 5.0 3.3
P/Schaumasse (1992x) 19930303.96 S S 7.1 13.1 8.9 4.4
P/Swift-Tuttle (1992t) 19921212.32 S S 4.5 7.1 4.4 6.0
Shoemaker-Levy (1991a1) 19920724.50 S 8.2 2.2
Tanaka-Machholz (1992d) 19920422.69 C 5.8 4.0
Mueller (1991h1) 19920321.20 S 10.1 4.7
Zanotta-Brewington (1991g1) 19920131.99 S S 8.9 2.0 10.1 3.9
P/Faye (1991n) 19911116.19 S 4.8 11.2
P/Wirtanen (1991s) 19910920.68 S 8.4 6.2
P/Hartley 2 (1991t) 19910911.65 S S 8.6 6.2 8.3 3.0
P/Levy (1991q) 19910708.19 S 7.6 3.7
P/Swift-Gehrels (1991c) 19910222.73 S 11.3 0.045
P/Metcalf-Brewington (1991a) 19910105.61 S 7.1 0.053
P/Encke 19901028.56 S 9.6 2.1
Levy (1990c) 19901024.68 S S 4.97 2.35 5.0 3.2
Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i) 19900928.74 C 5.7 3.8
P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1990f) 19900912.68 S S 13.6 8.5 10.0 3.0
Skorichenko-George (1989e1) 19900411.92 C 6.7 0.015
Austin (1989c1) 19900409.96 S S 4.5 0.034 8.1 3.3
Cernis-Kiuchi-Nakamura (1990b) 19900317.32 S 6.5 15.0
Aarseth-Brewington (1989a1) 19891227.88 S 7.5 3.5
Helin-Roman-Alu (1989v) 19891215.94 S 10.2 5.1
Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r) 19891111.91 C S 7.3 2.3 8.3 3.2
P/Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o) 19890911.93 S 8.0 3.2
Yanaka (1988r) 19881211.65 S 12.6 5.0
Machholz (1988j) 19880917.56 C 8.0 2.2
P/Tempel 2 (1987g) 19880916.73 C C 7.7 0.092 8.4 0.006
Liller (1988a) 19880331.11 S S 6.4 3.6 5.5 3.0
P/Borrelly (1987p) 19871218.32 S S 6.2 8.5 6.8 6.5
McNaught (1987b1) 19871211.94 S S 5.8 6.0 5.2 4.9
Bradfield (1987s) 19871107.27 S 6.0 2.7
Rudenko (1987u) 19871009.52 S 8.5 3.6
Wilson (1986l) 19870420.78 C S 5.3 3.0 6.0 2.0
Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c) 19870317.34 S 6.1 5.7
Sorrells (1986n) 19870309.65 C 4.5 5.5
Terasako (1987d) 19861224.87 S 6.7 4.0
P/Machholz (1986e) 19860423.51 S 12.9 4.7
P/Halley (1982i) 19860209.45 S S 4.5 5.2 3.4 3.4
P/Boethin (1985n) 19860116.45 S 6.8 5.5
Thiele (1985m) 19851219.21 S 6.0 7.0
Hartley-Good (1985l) 19851209.11 S S 8.1 3.3 8.7 4.2
P/Giacobini-Zinner (1984e) 19850905.20 S S 8.8 5.4 9.6 5.6
Machholz (1985e) 19850628.73 C 8.2 1.2
Levy-Rudenko (1984t) 19841214.25 S 8.0 3.0
P/Schaumasse (1984m) 19841206.48 S 7.8 5.0
Austin (1984i) 19840812.13 S 7.6 3.6
P/Takamizawa (1984j) 19840524.95 C 10.0 4.0
P/Encke (1984VI) 19840327.68 S 9.1 2.5
P/Crommelin (1983n) 19840220.17 S S 10.3 6.5 9.4 4.5
P/Hartley-IRAS (1983v) 19840108.70 S C 7.5 4.0 6.0 4.0
P/Kopff (1982k) 19830810.29 S 2.9 10.5
Cernis (1983l) 19830721.21 S 2.5 4.0
P/Tempel 1 (1982j) 19830709.79 S 5.5 9.0
P/Tempel 2 (1982d) 19830601.53 S C 8.9 0.048 7.6 0.024
IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d) 19830521.25 S 9.3 2.0
Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e) 19830501.32 S 11.8 5.7
P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1982f) 19821112.09 S S 11.7 0.017 11.4 0.008
P/d'Arrest (1982e) 19820914.26 S C 10.0 0.071 8.3 0.000
Austin (1982g) 19820824.72 S S 8.0 3.3 7.6 3.2
P/Grigg-Skjellerup (1982a) 19820514.99 S S 12.0 16.0 12.5 4.0
Bowell (1980b) 19820312.29 S C 1.8 4.0 3.4 4.0
P/Swift-Gehrels (1981j) 19811127.45 S 11.3 0.045
P/Borrelly (1980i) 19810220.00 S 7.0 4.5
Panther (1980u) 19810127.32 C 6.5 1.5
Bradfield (1980t) 19801229.54 C 6.9 3.0
P/Tuttle (1980h) 19801214.70 S 8.4 5.5
Meier (1980q) 19801209.65 C 6.2 4.0
P/Encke (1980XI) 19801206.57 S 11.0 4.0
P/Stephan-Oterma (1980g) 19801205.16 S 4.6 10.0
Bradfield (1979l) 19791221.59 S 8.4 5.2
Meier (1979i) 19791017.34 S 9.5 4.0
Bradfield (1979c) 19790723.26 S 11.0 5.5
Meier (1978f) 19781111.40 S 2.5 5.0
P/Ashbrook-Jackson (1977g) 19780819.87 S 7.0 4.0
P/Wild 2 (1978b) 19780615.87 S 6.5 5.6
Bradfield (1978c) 19780317.69 S 7.2 2.8
Kohler (1977m) 19771110.57 S 6.6 6.3
P/Grigg-Skjellerup (1977b) 19770411.00 S S 12.0 16.0 12.5 4.0
P/d'Arrest (1976e) 19760812.87 C C 10.0 0.071 6.7 0.028
West (1975n) 19760225.22 S 4.4 3.2
Bradfield (1976a) 19760224.63 S 11.5 4.0
Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j) 19751225.87 S 5.3 4.0
Bradfield (1975p) 19751221.18 S 8.9 2.9
Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k) 19751015.36 S 10.0 4.0
Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h) 19750905.33 S 7.3 3.8
Bradfield (1974b) 19740318.35 S 7.5 2.9
Kohoutek (1973f) 19731228.43 S S 5.5 2.2 6.6 2.8
P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1973b) 19730530.08 C 14.0 4.0

Explanation of the table

Brightness evolution of Comets

The average brightness evolution of the majority of comets can be described by the formula:
m = M0 + 5×log (delta) + 2.5×n×log r.

In some cases the comet's brightness evolves in a time-dependent manner (indicated in the table above by values n < 0.5), which can be described by the formula:
m = M0 + 5×log (delta) + n×(t-T)

delta = Distance Comet - Earth
r = Distance Comet - Sun
t = Date of observation
T = Date of Perihelion

In most cases the brightness evolution of a comet can be described by one set of brightness parameters for the whole apparition or by one set each for the pre- and post-perihelion period.

However, in some cases comets show a complex evolution. This is described in the appropriate analysis, but cannot be represented in this table. In these cases the table lists mean or representative values for the pre- and post-perihelion parameters, which may deviate significantly from the actually recorded brightness evolution. Therefore it is recommended to study the appropriate analysis beside this table.

The column VoP indicates the complexity of the brightness evolution of a comet, in the case I analysed it. The meaning of VoP is as follows:

VoP Description
S The comet showed a uniform brightness evolution throughout the apparition which is well represented by the tabulated values
C The comet showed a complex brightness evolution -> the actual evolution has to be extracted from the analysis
S S The comet showed different but uniform brightness evolutions, pre- and post-perihelion, which are well represented by the tabulated values
C C The comet showed different, complex brightness evolutions, pre- and post-perihelion -> the actual evolution has to be extracted from the analysis
S C The comet showed different brightness evolutions, pre- and post-perihelion. Pre-perihelion the brightness evolution was uniform and is well represented by the tabulated values. Post-perihelion the brightness evolution was complex, therefore the actual evolution has to be extracted from the analysis
C S The comet showed different brightness evolutions, pre- and post-perihelion. Pre-perihelion the brightness evolution was complex, therefore the actual evolution has to be extracted from the analysis. Post-perihelion the brightness evolution was uniform and is well represented by the tabulated values
- the tabulated values have not been verified in any detailed manner by myself (simple deduction from the discovery brightness, brightness parameters taken from a former apparition, values taken from other comet-related sources etc.)

I have analysed apparitions of brighter comets since 1973. However, only those analysis which I prepared since mid-1996 are online so far. I intend to make the pre-1996 analysis available online during the coming years.

Andreas Kammerer
